In the Tammuz 5784/2024 issue, Shternie Althaus tells the story of receiving a dollar from the Rebbe and being told, 

Einer far da, einer far Montreal.” Click here to see it on video.

Click below to see a play produced by the campers of Tzeirei HaTmimim. To learn how this unique camp was born, read Chanie Wolf’s (Tammuz 2021) Moshiach Page.

In his editorial (Kislev 2021), Rabbi Eli Friedman mentions the Rebbe speaking with a missionary. Click below to watch the unforgettable scene:

This doctor spoke with the Rebbe about the importance of eating properly. Click below to view.

Click here to watch the Rebbe speaking about optimism, the subject of (Kislev 2021) Editorial and article by double amputee Minna Lederberger:

In the Tishrei 2021 issue, Esther Sternberg recalls the Rebbe’s heart attack in 1977 and the sichah he insisted on giving his chassidim despite Dr. Weiss’s worries. Click HERE to listen.

What’s the history of the song Hachienu Keil, also known as Shir HaGeulah? Read about it in the  Moshiach Page of your Nissan 2023 issue. Click here to hear the song.

Click below to see the video TEARS by Mushka (Monika) Lightstone

In 1991, the “Miss Israel” winner visited the Rebbe for dollars and to ask for a brachah. Here’s what happened:

“WHOSE MONEY IS IT, ANYWAY?” Hear the story as told by Rabbi Menachem M. Gordon, mashpia of Yeshivah Gedolah of London. Read more on the subject in “Tzippy Remembers When…” in the Tishrei 2019 issue.

She was blind. Then she wasn’t. Lieba Schwartz’s story will warm your heart and entertain your kids! Click HERE to buy:

Hear what the Rebbe says about the importance of a beautiful Mikvah

To hear the Rebbe tell the story of the Mitteler Rebbe’s mysterious dream, click HERE.  Go to the third sichah; the story begins at 3 minutes.

Mrs. Devorah Groner

To enjoy Eli Lipsker playing and singing “A Sukkaleh,” click below.

Can we raise a chassidishe bachur in 2020?

Watch these videos (Part 1 and Part 2, originally streamed on and read the article by Rabbi Moshe Lieblich in the Tishrei ’20 issue.

Part 1:

Can we raise a chassidishe bachur in 2020?

Part 2:

Listen to what Dennis Prager says about Chabad:

Raizel Schusterman is a certified Positive Psychology Practitioner (PPP) who helps guide people to navigate challenges, find peace of mind, and move towards actualizing their goals. Visit her website or find her on Instagram @apositivecoach or email her at [email protected].

Rabbi Shais Taub talks about his column in the Shvat 2020 N’shei Chabad Newsletter, click below: