


a”h Acronym for Alav/Aleha Hashalom – spoken about the departed – may his/her soul rest in peace
Acharon Shel Pesach Last day (8th day) of Pesach
Acharonim Latter commentaries on Jewish law
achdus Unity
Achos Chana Sisters of Chana
achrayus Responsibility
Ad mosai? How long must we wait for Moshiach? lit. until when?
Adam Harishon Adam the first man
Adar Sixth Jewish month
Admor Hazaken The Alter Rebbe; Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi; Baal Hatanya. Founder of Chabad Chassidism 1745-1812
Adoneinu Our master
adoni my master
afikoman Dessert; matzah eaten at end of Seder
agmas nefesh Aggravation
agunah A deserted wife
ah gutter better/better’n One who has moved on to the next world who intercedes on behalf of those still in this world (m/f)
ahavah Love
ahavas chinam Unconditional love
ahavas Hashem Love of Hashem
ahavas Yisroel Love for a fellow Jew
akeidah binding (of Yitzchok)
akeres habayis Female pillar of the home
akshanim Stubborn people
akshanus Stubbornness
akum Non-Jews. lit. those who worship stars
al cheit Confession of one’s sins
al hamichyah Grace to be said after certain meals or snacks
al kiddush Hashem For the sanctification of G-d’s name
Al netilas lulav Blessing made on the Four Kinds on the holiday of Sukkos
Al pi halachah according to Jewish law
al taharas hakodesh In pure holiness
Aleinu Last portion of each of the three prayers recited daily
aleph First letter in Hebrew alphabet
aliyah Any form of rising (to the Torah, or to Israel)
almanah/almanos widow/widows
Alshich Hakadosh A prominent rabbi and biblical commentator in the latter part of the 16th century
Alter heim The old country: pre-Holocaust Europe (lit. the old home)
Alter Rebbe Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, first Chabad Rebbe
Am Yisroel The Jewish nation
Amalek The nation we are commanded to destroy
amei haaretz Ignorant person/people. lit. nations of the land
amen Response to a blessing, meaning “true”
Amora’im Rabbis who authored Gemara
Amram The father of Moshe
amud Lectern
ananei hakovod Clouds of Glory (that protected the Yidden during their 40 years in the desert)
anash People in one’s own group or sect, lit. acronym for Anshei Shlomeinu “people who agree”
ani maamin I believe
apikores Heretic, unbeliever
aravos Willow branches, one of the Four Kinds used on Sukkos
arba minim The Four Kinds of plants that we say a blessing on during the holiday of Sukkos
arbes Chickpeas
arichas yamim Long life
Arizal Rabbi Yitzchok Luria, 17th century Kabbalist
aron/aron kodesh ark/Holy ark
artzeinu hakedoshah Our Holy Land
Asarah b’Teves Fast day commemorating the siege of Jerusalem on the 10th day of Teves
asarah maamaros Ten Utterances
aseres hadibros Ten Commandments
aseres yemei teshuvah Ten Days of Repentance/Return. Days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu How lucky are we, and how good is our lot
asiyah Action, or the spiritual world of Action
askan/askanim/askanios Activist(s)
assur forbidden
aufruf Calling up of a groom to the Torah in Shul on the Shabbos before his wedding
Av Name of fifth Jewish month
Av Beis Din Head of court
aveilus Period of mourning
aveirah Sin
avel/aveilim Mourner(s)
Avinu Our Father
avodah Service of G-d. lit. work
avodas hatefillah the (spiritual) work of prayer
avodah zarah Idolatry
avos Patriarchs: Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov
Avraham Avinu Abraham our Patriarch
ayin hara Evil eye
azarah Courtyard of Beis Hamikdash where kohanim brought sacrifices
azkir al hatziyun I will mention it at the graveside of my father-in-law the Frierdiker Rebbe


b’achdus In unity
b’al peh By heart
b’ezras Hashem With the help of G-d
b’gashmius Physically
B’guf with one’s body
b’hester Secretly
b’hiddur With utmost care
b’poel In action
b’rov am In the midst of a great nation
b’ruchnius Spiritually
b’simchah With joy
b’Yisroel In Israel
b’zchus nashim tzidkanios nigalu avoseinu … In the merit of righteous women our fathers were redeemed from Egypt and in their merit we will be redeemed in the future
b’dieved As a last resort
B’hatzlachah with success, good luck
b”H Acronyn for baruch Hashem, thank G-d. lit. bless G-d
baal korei Torah reader
baal shacharis Chazzan (cantor) for shacharis in shul
Baal Shem Tov Founder of the Chassidic movement (1698-1760)
Baal Shem Tov Rabbi Yisroel, founder of Chasidism (1698-1760)
baal simchah Host of the party
baal tokeya Shofar blower
baal/baalas teshuvah One who became Torah observant later in life, not born into an observant family. lit. returner. M/F
Baal/ei ga’avah A haughty person (pl.)
baalabos/balabatim Supporter(s) of good causes, lit. homeowner(s)
Baba Meztia Section of Gemara
bachur/bachurim Unmarried male(s)
Bais Chana school for baalos teshuvah
Bais Rivkah Lubavitch girls’ school in Crown Heights
bakashah Request
balabusta Competent homemaker
Balebatim people with homes, families, and good livelihood who are able to support Torah institutions
bamah Altar
banim Sons
bar/bas mitzvah Jewish male over 13/female over 12, and the celebration marking their rite of passage
baruch Blessed
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes Blessed be the True Judge – Said upon being notified of a death
baruch haba Welcome
baruch Hashem Thank G-d (abbreviated B”H) lit. bless G-d
bas kol Heavenly voice
bas melech Daughter of the King
Bas Mitzvah A girl who at age 12 assumes the responsibility of mitzvos. Also the celebration marking this rite of passage.
bas talmid chacham Daughter of Torah scholar
bas Yisroel Daughter of Israel, Jewish girl or woman
bashert Pre-ordained by G-d
Basi L’Gani Title of the last Chassidic discourse said by the Frierdiker Rebbe, and the first discourse said by the Rebbe upon assuming leadership
batei knesses Synagogues
battim macher One who is skilled at making the boxes of tefillin
bayis House
bayis ne’eman True Jewish home
becher Goblet used to make Kiddush
Bechinas achoray’im an unwilling manner of giving as if throwing from behind
bechor Male that is first-born child
bedikah Inspection
Bein adam lachaveiro Between man and his friend
bein adam laMakom Between Man and G-d
beinoni One who is in-between tzaddik and rasha
Beis Chabad Place established by Lubavitcher Rebbe to strengthen all facets of Judaism, lit. House of Chabad
beis din Rabbinical court
beis din shel Maalah Heavenly court
beis hachaim Cemetery
Beis Haknesses Synagogue
Beis Hamikdash Holy Temple in Jerusalem
Beis Hamikdash Hashlishi The Third Holy Temple
Beis Medrash House of study
Beis Moshiach House of Messiah – refers to 770 Eastern Parkway
Beis Nissan 2nd day of the month Nissan, Yahrtzeit of the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom DovBer Schneersohn (“Rashab”)
Beis Rabbeinu House of our Rebbe
bentch Bless, or say prayer after meals
bentch licht To say a blessing on a candle before the start of Shabbos or Yom Tov
bentcher Booklet of Grace after meals
Bereishis Genesis, lit. in the beginning
besamim Spices
Besht Acronym for Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov
besuros tovos Good news
bikur cholim Visiting the sick
bikurim first fruits brought by Jews to kohanim in the time of the Beis Hamikdash
Bimah The podium from which the Torah is read in shul
bimheirah b’yomeinu Speedily in our days
binah Understanding
binyan adei ad An everlasting edifice
birchas hamazon Grace after meals
birur 1. Explanation 2. Refinement
birur hanitzutzos The elevation of sparks (fulfilling potential)
bissel Small amount
bitachon Trust, very strong faith
bitul Self-nullification
biur chometz The burning of the leaven performed on Erev Pesach
Biyas Comming of…
blech Metal sheet placed over burners to keep food warm on Shabbos
bli ayin hara May the evil eye spare us
bli neder Without a halachically binding promise
bnei melech Princes
bnei Torah People who live by the principles of the Torah
bnei Yisroel Children of Israel – Jewish nation
bni bechori Yisroel Term of endearment from a father (G-d) to His eldest son (the Jewish nation)
bnos melech Princesses
Borchu Prayer said 7 days a week as introduction to blessings preceding “Shema,” also said by one called up to the Torah
Bosi L’Gani A Chasidic discourse, or maamar, said by the Frierdiker Rebbe and added onto by his successor
brachah/brachos Blessing(s)
bris milah/brissen/brissos Ritual circumcision/s
Bubbe/Bubby Grandmother


Chabad Branch of Chassidus based upon Chochmah, Binah and Daas – wisdom, understanding and knowledge
Chabadnik Follower of Chabad movement
chachamim Sages
chag Holiday
chag sameach Happy Holiday
chag kosher v’same’ach Happy and Kosher Holiday (Pesach)
chalav Yisroel Any dairy product which was under Jewish supervision from time of milking
chalilah G-d forbid
challah Braided bread eaten at every Shabbos and Yom Tov meal
chametz Leaven, forbidden during Passover
Chanukah Festival of Lights, in December
chap arain Seize the moment
chareidi Religious, G-d fearing
chas v’shalom G-d forbid (abbreviated c”v)
chasdei Hashem The kindness of G-d
Chasidim ein mishpacha Chassidim are one family
Chassan Bereishis The honor of receiving the first Aliyah when beginning to read the Torah on Simchas Torah. Also the one who receives this honor.
Chassan Torah The honor of receiving the last Aliyah when concluding the Torah on Simchas Torah. Also the one who receives this honor.
chassan/chassanim Groom(s)
chassidei Chabad Followers of Chabad, members of Chabad
chassidei umos haolam Kind people among the non-Jewish nations of the world
Chassidic Pertaining to or adhering to Chassidism
chassidim followers of Chassidus
chassidish/chassidishe befitting one raised with Chassidus
chassidiste female follower of Chassidus
Chassidus Chassidism Interpretation of Torah based upon teachings of Besht, Alter Rebbe and other Chassidic Rebbeim
chassunah Wedding
Chasunah wedding
Chatzos midnight
chaveirim Friends
chavrusa Study partner, lit. friendship
chayil 1. Strenth 2. Bravery 3. Wealth 4. Acronym for chossid, yerei Shamayim and lamdan
chayus Vitality
chazak Stay strong
chazak v’ematz Be strong and courageous
Chazal Acronym referring to our Sages of Blessed Memory
chazarah Review
chazaras hashatz Chazzan’s repetition of Shemoneh Esrei
chazzan Cantor
cheder/chadarim School(s) for Jewish children
cheilek Portion
cheilek Elokah mimaal mamash Literally a part of G-d from above
chein Favor or grace
cheirem Excommunication
cheit Sin
cheit eitz hada’as Sin of the Tree of Knowledge
chelko/chelkah His/her share
Ches Eighth letter Hebrew alphabet
cheshbon nefesh An accounting of oneself
cheshbon/cheshbonos Calculation(s)
chessed Kindness
chevlei Moshiach Birthpangs of Moshiach
Chevra Kadisha Burial society
chevreman One who accomplishes a lot in admirable ways
chiloni Non-religious
chilul Hashem Desecration of G-d’s name
chinuch Education
chisaron A lack
Chitas Acronym for Chumash (Torah), Tehillim (Psalms) and Tanya. All 3 are studied in daily portions as prescribed by the Frierdiker Rebbe in early 1900’s
chitzonius Exterior
chizuk Strength, encouragement
chochmah Wisdom
Chof Av 20th day in the month of Av, anniversary of passing of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak (Rebbe’s father)
Chof Beis Shvat 22nd day of the month of Shvat, anniversary of passing of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka (Rebbe’s wife)
Chol Hamoed Intermediate days in both Sukkos and Pesach
choleh Sick person
cholent Traditional hot Shabbos lunch of potatoes, meat and beans that’s been cooked overnight
Chosech shivto, sonei bno One who spares the rod hates his son
chossid Follower of Chassidism, lit. pious person
chozer Reviewer/Repeater
Chumash Five books of Moses, Pentateuch
chumros Stringencies
chuppah Wedding canopy and ceremony in which it is used
churban Destruction (primarily of the Temple)
chush Sense
chutz laaretz Outside of the Land of Israel
chutzah Outside
chutzpadik Exhibiting chutzpah (nerve, gall)
chutzpah Audacity, nerve


D’oraysa Of the (written) Torah (as opposed to the Oral Torah)
daas Knowledge
daf Page
daled amos One’s immediate environment, lit. four cubits
dam Blood
dan l’chaf zchus Judge favorably
dati Religious
Davar be’ito mah tov how good is something in its (proper) time
daven/davening/davenen Pray(ing)/to pray
davka Specifically or deliberately
dayan Judge
dayeinu It would be sufficient for us
deckel Cover
derech Way
derech eretz Decency, courtesy, manners
derech eretz kadmah l‘Torah Having courtesy and good manners precedes the learning of Torah
Derech Hatevah the way of nature
dibur Speech
didan natzach Cry of victory pertaining to the holy books that the courts awarded to the Rebbe and his chassidim on 5 Teves 5747 (1987)
dikduk Grammar
din Torah The law according to Torah
din v’cheshbon Reckoning
dinim Laws
dirah b’tachtonim Dwelling place in this world below
divrei Words of…
dor Generation(s)
dor hashvii Seventh generation
dos iz a shvacha chossid This is a weak chossid
Dovid Hamelech King David
drasha Sermon, speech
dreidel Spinning top used on Chanuka
drush What we learn out
duch (din v’cheshbon) Accounting, report (acronym for din v’cheshbon)
Duchan To bless the Jews as only a kohen can
Duchan To bless the Jews as only a kohen can
dugma Role model
dvar/divrei Torah Thought(s) from the Torah
dveikus Closeness, or meditation about closeness between Jew and G-d


Ehrlicher Honest and refined
Eibershter The One Above
eidel Refined
eigener Of our own kind, one of us
eimah v’yirah Terror and awe
Ein Od Milvado There is nothing but Him
einiklach Grandchildren
eishes chayil Woman of valor
eitz hadaas Tree of knowledge
eivorim Limbs
eizer k’negdo Helpmate
Elisha Prophet who succeeded Eliyahu Hanavi
Eliyahu Hanavi Elijah the Prophet
Elokus G-dliness
Elter Zeide/Bubbe Great-grandfather, great-grandmother
eltere chassidim Older Chassidim
Elul Twelfth Jewish month, month of stock-taking that precedes the New Year
emes Truth
emunah Faith
emunah pshutah Simple faith
emunas… Faith in…
Er zitst in Gan Eden un hert Chassidus fun Shver “He is sitting in Gan Eden and learning Chassidus with my father-in-law [the Previous Rebbe].”
erenste Serious, earnest
Eretz Yisroel Land of Israel
Erev… Day before or eve of…
erliche Pious
esrog Citron fruit used on Sukkos
etzem Essence
Ezer k’negdo Helpmate opposite him
ezras nashim Women’s section (in a Synagogue)


farbrengen Gathering of chassidim where honest discussion, Torah learning and singing of niggunim take place
fargin be happy with others’ good fortune without being jealous or resentful of them
farher Test
farvoss Why
Fier kashes 4 questions (recited at the Pesach seder) aka the Mah Nishtanah
fleishig Meat
freilach Joyful, happy
freye Yidden Jews who are not yet Torah-observant
Frierdiker Rebbe Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneerson (1880-1950)
frum/frumkeit Religious, religiousness


gabbai/gabba’im Sexton(s)
galus Exile
gam zu l’tovah This, too, is for the best
gan Garden/Pre-school
Gan Eden The next world, paradise, lit. Garden of Eden
gaon Genius (in learning)
gartel Black fabric belt men use during davening
gashmius Anything physical or tangible
gebroktz Matzah which has come into contact with water or any form of cooking that allows for that
Gedolah tzedakah shemikareves… How great is charity that it hastens the redemption.
gedolei Yisroel Great Jews; leaders of Jews
gehinnom Purgatory
gelt Money
gemach Interest-free loan fund, lit. acronym for Gemilas Chesed which means lovingkindness
Gemara Portion of Talmud written by Amora’im which explains Mishna, written by Tanna’im
gematria Numerical equivalence of the Hebrew letters of the alphabet
gemilas chassadim Acts of charity and kindness
ger Convert (m)
geshmak Tasty, a taste for
get Jewish divorce
Getlichkeit G-dliness
Geulah Redemption
Geulah ho’amitis v’hashleima The true and complete redemption
Geulah shleimah Complete redemption
gevurah Strength
gezeirah Decree
gezunte Healthy
Gilgul incarnation
giluy Moshiach Revelation of the Messiah
giluyim Revelation
gimmel klipos hatmayos Evil which cannot be redeemed or reversed
Gimmel Tammuz 3rd day of Tammuz, day of histalkus of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
giyores Convert (f)
glatt kosher Higher standard of Kashrus than Kosher., lit. “smooth kosher” referring to smoothness of animal’s lung
gmar chasimah tovah May you be sealed for a sweet new year
goilem (need to know context to define, though hard to define in any case)
golah Exile
goldeneh medineh Golden country; how Europeans referred to U.S. after World War II
goy/goyim Gentile(s), lit. nations
goyish/goyishe Pertaining to non-Jews
guf gashmi Physical body
gut/gutskeit Good(ness)
Gzeiros decrees


hachanah Preparation
hachlatos tovos Good resolutions
hachnasas kallah Help to brides, usually financial
hachnasas orchim Taking guests into one’s home
Hadar HaTorah Yeshiva for men of limited Torah background
hadassim Myrtle branches, one of the Four Kinds used on Sukkos
hadlakas neiros Candle lighting
hadrachah Guidance
hafotzas hamaayonos Dissemination of the wellsprings (of Chassidus)
hafrashas challah/hafrasha mitzvah of separating a portion of dough before baking bread/separating (of a piece of challah dough)
haftorah Portion from Prophets read in the Synagogue on Shabbos and Yom Tov
Haggadah Text said at Pesach seder. lit. story telling
Hakadosh Baruch Hu The Holy One (Blessed Be He)- reference to G-d
hakafos marching or dancing in a circle around the Shul
hakaras hatov Gratitude for kindness rendered
hakhel Gathering of all Jewish men, women and children when King would read excerpts from Torah. Took place every 7 years.
Hakitzu v’ranenu shochnei afar Those who rest in dust will awaken and rejoice
Hakohen the Kohen (member of the priestly family that descends from Aharon)
halachah/halachic Jewish Law
halevai Would that it were so
Hallel Prayer of praise to G-d, sung on holidays
Hamaaseh hu ha’ikar the action is the main thing
hamantashen Three-cornered cookies traditionally enjoyed on Purim
hamidbar The desert
hamotzi Blessing on bread
hanhagah Conduct/Behavior
hanhalah Administration
Har Hazeisim Mount of Olives (Cemetery in Jerusalem)
Har Sinai Mount Sinai
Harabbanis… The Rebbetzin, or Rabbi’s wife
Hareini mochel I hereby forgive
hartzik Heartfelt, sincere
Hashanah Rabbah (change spelling to HOshana Raba) 7th day of Sukkos
Hashavas Aveidah returning a lost object
Hashem G-d
Hashem yikom damam May G-d avenge their blood
Hashem yikom damam Hy”d May G-d avenge their blood
hashgachah Supervision
hashgachah pratis Divine Providence
hashkafah Outlook, perspective
hashpa’ah Influence
haskalah Enlightenment movement
Haskamah approbation, consent
haskamah Approbation
hasmadah Diligence in studying
hataras nedarim Nullifying a vow
Hatzalah 1. Cry to be rescued 2. Jewish ambulance service
hatzlachah Success
havdalah Service at conclusion of Shabbos and Yom Tov, lit. separation
havtachah Assurance
Hayom Yom An encyclopedia of daily Torah insights authored by the Rebbe
hechsher Sign of kashrus certification
hefkeirus Free for all, state of having too much freedom, and being out of control
heichal Inner chamber
heilik/heilike Holy
heimishe As in your own home
heter Permissible ruling
hiddur Beautification
Higia zman geulaschem The time of your redemption has arrived.
Hilchos… Laws of…
hilulah Yahrzeit of a tzaddik
himmel Heaven
Hisbonenus contemplation, meditation
hisgalus Moshiach Revelation of Messiah
hishtatchus Visiting grave of righteous person
hiskarvus Causing closeness
hiskashrus Connection between Rebbe and chossid
hisnagdus opposition
hisorerus Awakening, arousal
histalkus Passing away, elevation
hitvaadut/hisvaadus Hebrew for farbrengen. Gathering of chassidim where honest discussion, Torah learning and singing of niggunim take place
Hk”m Said in first year after passing of parent or Rebbe, acronym for Hareini Kaporas Mishkovo, meaning, “May any suffering due to him fall on me”
hodaah Thanks, praise
horaah A directive
horaas shaah A directive for that time only
Hoshanah Rabbah Last intermediate day of the Sukkos holiday
hy”d Acronym for Hashem yikom damo/damam, May Hashem avenge their blood


Igeres Hakodesh Holy letter of the Rebbe
Igros Letters
ikar Primary or more important
im yirtzeh Hashem (iy”H) G-d willing
Imahos Matriarchs: Sarah, Rivkah, Rochel and Leah
Imeinu Our mother
inyan nifla Wondrous idea
inyan/inyanim Idea(s) or subject(s)
Ir Hakodesh Holy city
issur (chamur) (Strict) prohibition
Ivrit Modern Hebrew
iy”H Acronym for im yirtzeh Hashem. G-d willing


k’dai Appropriate or worthwhile
K’heref ayin In the blink of an eye
k’zayis The size of an olive, a halachic measurement
ka”h Acronym for kein ayin hara – May the evil eye do no harm
Kabbalah Mystical teaching
kabbalas malchus Acceptance of royalty
kabbalas ol Acceptance of yoke of Torah
kabbalas pnei Moshiach Greeting Moshiach
Kabbalas Shabbos Friday night davening, lit. receiving Shabbos
Kabballah (for shechitah) apprenticeship at a certified shochet before becoming certified
Kaddish Prayer said for the deceased
kadosh Holy
kal v’chomer How much more so
kallah Bride
kaparah Trade-off with G-d, when, for example, we are grateful for only breaking a leg because at least we survived the fire, lit. forgiveness
kapitel/kapitlach Chapter(s) usually of Psalms
kapota A Prince Albert coat worn by married Lubavitcher men
kashrus Keeping kosher
kavanah 1. Concentration 2. Motive
kavod Honor, respect
ke’arah Platter, Seder plate
kedushah Holiness
kedushas Holiness of…
kehillah Community
kehunah The priesthood
keili/keilim Vessel(s)
kein ayin hara May the evil eye do no harm
kein yirbu So shall they multiply
Keren Ten Yad Charity to help cover wedding expenses
keruvim Cherubs
kesser Crown
kesubah Wedding contract
kesuvos Writings
Kevayachol so to speak
Kever Rochel Grave site of Rochel
kever/kevarim Grave(s)
kevurah Burial
kevutzos Groups
Kfar Chabad A village in Israel where many Lubavitchers reside, established by the Frierdiker Rebbe in1949
kibud av va’em Honoring one’s parents
Kibud horim umorim honoring parents and teachers
kiddush Blessing recited over a goblet of wine expressing the sanctity of Shabbos or a Festival
kiddush Hashem An act which sanctifies the name of G-d
kinderlach (Beloved) children
kinus Gathering, convention
Kinus HaShluchim/HaShluchos Gathering of the emissaries (female)
kippah Skullcap
kiruv Drawing close
kisei shel Eliyahu Throne of Elijah the Prophet
kisui harosh Mitzvah of covering the head of married women
kittel White garb worn on Yom Kippur by married men
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Code of Jewish Law
kivush ha’olam al yedei shluchei Adoneinu Conquering the world through the Rebbe’s emissaries
kiyor Wash basin used by the kohanim before service in the Beis Hamikdosh
Klal Yisroel Jewish nation
Kli Yakar Rabbeinu Shlomo Efraim, 16th century classic commentary on Torah
klipah Bark or shell, symbol of evil
Knesses Yisroel Congregation of Israel
koach/kochos Strength(s)
kochi v’otzem yodi My strength and my mighty arm
kodesh Holy
Kodesh Hakadashim Holy of Holies
kohanim Jewish Priest(s)
Koheles Ecclesiastes
kohen gadol High Priest
Kol Chamira Prayer disavowing all ownership to any chametz in our possession
kol hakavod Expression of Bravo! Well done! Lit. all honor (to you)
Kol kvudah bas melech pnima The glory of the king’s daughter is within
Kol NIdrei First prayer of Yom Kippur in which we nullify our vows
kollel Place where young married men learn Torah all day
Korach First cousin of Moshe, rebelled against him in desert and met a horrible death
korbanos Sacrifices
kores Punishment of being cut off from the Jewish people
kos shel brachah Cup of blessing (from which the Rebbe pours wine for everyone who asks)
Kosel/Kotel Hamaaravi Wailing/Western Wall – last remnant of Holy Temple in Jerusalem
kriah 1.Reading 2. Tearing
krias haTorah Public reading from the Torah
Krias Shema Recitation of Shema
krias Yam Suf Splitting of the Red Sea
Krovim relatives
kuchen Cooking
kugel Sweet or savory pudding, usually made of potatoes or noodles and served on Shabbos
kumzitz An informal get together for honest discussion and singing
kuntres/kuntreisim Pamphlet(s)
Kuntz trick
kvatter/kvatterin Those honored with handing the baby at the bris (male/female)
kvell Derive pleasure and pride
Kvetching moaning/complaining
Kvitlach notes to the Rebbe
kvittel Short note requesting blessing or guidance from the Rebbe, also called pidyon or pidyon nefesh
kvius Regular appointment
Kvod Harav With the permission of the Rav (an expression of honor, used before speaking in front of a Rav)
kvutzah Group (usually of students)


l’chaim 1. Alcoholic beverage, lit. to life 2. Engagement party
l’havdil To separate
l’iIuy nishmas/nishmasah For the elevation of his (her) soul
l’matah mei’asarah tfachim In a tangible, visible, down-to-earth way
l’olam Hashem devarcha nitzav bashamayim Forever G-d, your word stands firm in the heavens
l’olam va’ed Forever after
l’sheim Shamayim For the sake of Heaven
l’vonai Ani tzorich Now I need my children
Lag Ba’omer 33rd day of Sefiras Ha’omer (49 days between Pesach and Shavuos).
lamdan/lamdanim Scholar(s)
lamdus Scholarship
lashon hakodesh Hebrew, lit. holy tongue
lashon hara Speaking badly of others
Lebedig un freilich lively and joyous
lebedikeit Liveliness, enthusiasm
Lechah Dodi Portion of Friday night prayer. Lit. To you my beloved
Lechatchilah Ideally
lechatchilah ariber Transcending the limitations
lechem Bread
lechem mishneh Double loaves required for every Shabbos and Yom Tov meal
leichter Candlesticks
lein/leining Read in public from the Torah
lekach Honey cake
levayah Funeral
Levi/Leviim Levite(s)
levush/levushim garment(s)
licht Candles
licht bentchen Candle lighting
lichtikeit Light
Likutei Sichos Collection of Sichos – see Sichah
limudei chol Secular studies
limudei kodesh Studies that are part of Torah, non-secular
lishma For the sake of a mitzvah
Litvish Originating in Lithuania
lo aleinu May we be protected from it
lo sa’aseh Prohibition commanded by G-d
lo zocheh Not merited
Lubavitch 1. Small town in Russia from which emerged the Lubavitcher movement, lit. city of love 2. The Chabad movement
Lubavitchers Followers of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
luchos Tablets on which were engraved the Ten Commandments
lulav Palm branch used on Sukkos


ma’os chittim Funds for Passover needs
maalah A positive attribute or advantage (pl)
maamar/maamarim Chasidic discourse(s)
maamoros (Ten) utterances
maariv Evening prayer
maaseh 1. Deed 2. Story
maaser Mitzvah to tithe 1/10 of one’s earnings
maasim tovim Good deeds
mach freilach Make (others) happy
machlokes Contention, discord, argument
machnis orach/orchim Host of guest(s)
Machon Chana School for Jewish women with limited Jewish background in Crown Heights, NY
machshavos tovos Positive thoughts
machshir To make kosher
machzor Prayerbook for High Holidays
madreigah Level, or step
madrich/madrichim Male leader, counselor (plural)
madrichah/madrichos Female leader, counselor (plural)
maftir One who reads aloud in Shul a portion of Prophets on Shabbos,Yom Tov, and certain fast days.
magen Dovid Star of David
maggid Preacher
Mah Nishtanah The 4 Questions asked at the Pesach Seder, lit. “Why is this night different…?”
Maharash Rabbi Shmuel Schneerson, fourth Chabad Rebbe (1834-1882)
maidele Little girl
Makkah plague
makom Torah u’tefillah A place of Torah and prayer
makom Torah u’tefillah Place of Torah and prayer
makor Source
makor hachaim Source of life
makpid Strict, particular
malach/malachim Angel(s)
malchus Royalty
mamash Actually
mamzer Bastard
Maos Chittim Money given to help the needy afford Pesach needs
mara d’asra Rabbinic authority of a community
marbitz Torah Disseminate Torah
maror Bitter herbs eaten at Pesach Seder
Masechta tractate (of mishna or gemara)
mashal Example, parable, analogy
mashgiach/mashgichim Supervisor(s)
mashkeh Alcoholic beverages
mashpia/mashpiim People who teach others Chassidus and offers guidance
maskilim Followers of the so-called enlightenment movement
masmid Diligent student
matanah Gift
mattan Torah Giving of the Torah
matzah Unleavened bread
matzav Situation
matzeivah/matzeivos Tombstone(s), monument(s)
mazel tov Congratulations, good luck
mazeldik Fortunate
mazkirus Secretary/ secretariat
Me’oras Hamachpelah Cave where Patriarchs and Matriarchs are buried
mechalel Shabbos One who desecrates the Sabbath
mechanech/mechaneches/mechanchim/mechanchos To educate; an educator (male/female/male plural/female plural)
mechilah Forgivness
mechitzah Partition
mechuyav Obligated
Medrash Rabbah One of the best known books of homiletic interpretations of the Torah
medrash/medrashim Stories on the Torah which are only implied in the text
meforshim Commentaries
megillah Parchment scroll, most commonly referring to the scroll of Esther read on Purim
mehader Adheres scrupulously
Meilitz/melitzas yosher Advocate m/f
meis Dead body
Meis Mitzvah The mitzvah of arranging for the burial of those who have died with no family to take care of the burial
mekabel Recipient
mekabel pnei Moshiach Welcome and greet Moshiach
mekarev To bring someone closer
mekatreg Prosecutor
mekayem Fulfilled
mekor hachaim Source of life
mekubal Mystic
mekuravim Those who came closer
mekushar Connected
melachah Activity forbidden on Shabbos
melamed zchus Positive opinion, or judgment
melamed/melamdim Torah teacher of young boys
melaveh malkah Meal eaten as the Shabbos Queen departs
melech King
Melech basadeh the king is in the field
melech haMoshiach King Messiah
memaleh makom Successor
menachem To comfort
menachem avel To pay a condolence call
menahel Administrator or principal
menorah Candelabra
mentsch/mentschen 1. People 2. Decent, upstanding person (people)
Mentschlich Decent, proper
menuchah Peace
menuchas hanefesh Peace of mind
merachek To cause distance
meraglim Spies
Merkos shlichus Vacation time visits by students of Lubavitcher Yeshivos to strengthen Judaism in faraway places
mesader kiddushin One who officiates at a marital ceremony
Mesame’ach To bring happiness
Meshares Servant
meshulach Charity collector, lit. messenger or representative
mesirus nefesh Self-sacrifice
Mesivta Yeshiva High School
mesorah Torah, as our inheritance, also our tradition
mesudar An organized person
Metzudos A commentary on Torah written by Rabbi David Altshuler
meya’eish Despair
Mezonos Baked goods other than bread which have the blessing borei minei mezonos, usually cake or cookies
Mezritcher Maggid Disciple of Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov, founder of Chassidism
mezuman 1. Three men to say Grace After Meals 2. Cash
mezuzah/mezuzos Handwritten scroll(s) with Shema Yisroel in it, hung on doorposts for protection
MH”M Melech Hamoshiach, King Messiah
mid’Oraysa From the Torah
mid’Rabbanan From the sages, from the Oral Torah
midah Attribute
midbar Desert
midos Attributes
midos tovos Good attributes, positive ways to act, think, and speak
Mihu Yehudi Who is a Jew? Controversy over non-Orthodox conversions
Mikdash 1. Holy Temple 2. Sanctuary
Mikdash Me’at Miniature sanctuary – could refer to either home or Shul
mikvah/mikvaos Ritual bath(s) which provides spiritual purification
Milchig Dairy
Minashim b’ohel tivorach (Shiras Dvorah, Shoftim 5:25) She is blessed by women in the tent
minchah Afternoon prayer
minhag Custom
minyan Group of 10 men necessary for certain prayers
Miriam Haneviah Miriam the prophetess, sister of Moses
mishale’ach Sender
mishkan Tabernacle, or portable sanctuary used in desert for 480 years
Mishlei Book of Proverbs written by King Shlomo
mishloach manos Food gifts between Jews on Purim
Mishnah Recorded oral law of Torah
Mishnayos 6 tractates of oral law (Talmud)
mishpachah Family
misnagdim Opponents of chassidim
mispallelim People praying
Mitteler Rebbe Rabbi Dovber Schneuri, second Lubavitcher Rebbe, and first to establish court in the city of Lubavitch (1773-1827)
Mitzrayim Egypt
mitzvah tank An RV used by Chabad chasidim to do mivtza’im
mitzvah/mitzvos Good deed(s), commandment(s)
mivtza/mivtza’im Public campaign(s) of the Rebbe (examples: Shabbos candle lighting, love of a fellow Jew, filling one’s home with Jewish books, etc)
Mivtzah commandment; good deed
mizbayach Altar
Moach shalit al halev The mind controls the heart
mochel Forgive
Modeh Ani A prayer said immediately upon awakening in the morning which offers thanks to G-d for “mercifully returning my soul within me” each day
mofsim Miracles
mohel One who performs circumcisions
Morah Teacher (female)
Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Our teacher and rabbi
mosad Organization(s)
mosdos Institutions
Moshe Rabbeinu Moses, our teacher and leader
Moshiach The anointed one, Messiah
Motzoei Shabbos Saturday night, after Sabbath ends
muktzeh Forbidden to touch or use on Shabbos
Mussaf Additional Shabbos prayer
mussar Criticism, harsh words designed to help listeners/readers repent and mend their ways


N’shei Chabad Women in Chabad-Lubavitch movement
naaseh v’nishma We will do and we will hear
Nach Acronym for Neviim (Prophets), Kesuvim (Writings)
nachas/nachat Mixture of pleasure and pride
nashim tzidkanios Righteous women
nasi Prince(s), president(s), Rebbe(s)
nasi hador Leader of the generation
navi/neviim Prophet(s)
Ne’ilah Concluding prayer on Yom Kippur
nebach A pity
nechamah Comfort
neder Vow
nefesh Soul
nefesh Elokis G-dly soul as opposed to animal soul
nefesh habehamis Animal soul as opposed to G-dly soul
negel vasser Ritual washing of hands for spiritual purification, lit. nail water
Neginah music, singing
neiros leho’ir Candles to light other candles – lamplighters
neiros shabbos Shabbos candles, lit to usher in the Shabbos
nekudos Hebrew vowel sounds, lit. dots
neshamah/neshamos Jewish soul(s)
neshamalach Plural diminutive of neshamah
neshek Acronym for Neiros Shabbos Kodesh: holy Shabbos candles, lit. ammunition
nesius Reign
netilas yadayim Ritual handwashing
neviah Prophetess
nevuah Prophecy
nichum aveilim Visit by friends and family to house of mourning during week of Shiva, lit. comforting of mourners
Niflaos haBorei Wonders of the Creator
niftar Passed away, or one who passed away
niggun/niggunim Jewish melody (plural)
nigleh Revealed parts of Torah as opposed to esoteric parts of Torah
Nigunim (Chassidic) songs, often melodies without words
nimshal Meaning of parable
nirtzach Murder victim
nisayon Challenge(s), test(s)
nishmas Prayer said on Shabbos morning, lit.” the soul of…”
nishmaso Eden His soul is in Gan Eden
Nissan Seventh Jewish month in which Pesach falls out, also a boy’s name
nissim Miracles
Nitzachon Victory


o.b.m. Of blessed memory
Ohel Resting place of a holy person, lit. tent
Ohev Yisroel One who loves a fellow Jew
Oholei Menachem Boys’ school in Crown Heights
Ohr Hachaim Commentary on Torah by Rabbi Chaim ben Atar
oif lange yoren May he/she/they live long, lit. of long years
Oifen Pripitchuk Yiddish lullaby
Olam Ha’Emes The world of truth
Olam Haba The world to come
Olam hatikun World in a state of repair (one stage of Creation, according to Kabbalah)
Olam hatohu World in a state of chaos (one stage of Creation, according to Kabbalah)
Olam Hazeh The present world
Olei regel Those who went up to Yerushalayim three times a year for the festivals
On ben Peles Leading member of Korach’s neighboring tribe of Reuven
Oneg Shabbos Pleasure or joy of Shabbos
opsherenish Boy’s first haircut at age 3
orchim Guests
ot ot kumt Moshiach Any second now Moshiach is coming
Oved (in learning or davening) one who works
Oy vey Woe is me!


padah b’shalom nafshi “My soul has been redeemed in peace” (Psalms 55:14)
pahn Acronym for pidyon nefesh, soul-deep accounting to Rebbe
Pakod pakadeti remember, I remembered
parah adumah The red heifer
pareve Neutral, neither milk nor meat
parnassah Livelihood
paroches Curtain for the aron kodesh (Holy Ark)
parshah Torah portion
pas Yisroel Bread or other baked goods baked by a Jew
pasken To make a halachic ruling
passuk/psukim Sentence(s) or verse(s)
passul Not halachically acceptable
pegishah Meeting, encounter
peirush/peirushim Explanation(s)
peklach Packages or burdens
perek Chapter
Pesach Passover
Pesach seder Ritual observance at festive meals first 2 nights of Pesach, lit. order
petirah Passing
petzu’im Wounded
peulos Positive accomplishments
peyos Earlocks
pidyon Request of a Rebbe made in writing
pidyon haben Redemption of the firstborn son
pidyon shevuyim Redemption of captives
pikuach nefesh A matter of life or death
pilpul/pilpulim Torah dissertation(s)
pintele Yid The G-dfearing and G-d-loving essence within every Jewish soul
Pirkei Avos Ethics of the Fathers
pisgam Saying
pnimiusdik Inner, essential
poretz Non-Jewish landowner
Poretz geder breaks all boundaries
poskim Law codifiers (examples: Alter Rebbe, Reb Yosef Caro, Rosh, Rambam)
pritzus Frivolity
prost Unrefined
pru u’vu Be fruitful and multiply
psak Rabbinic ruling
pshat Simple explanation
psukei d’zimrah Verses of praise
Purim Holiday which takes place on the 14th of Adar, commemorating G-d’s miracles done for Jews in the year 3404
pushke/pushkes Charity box(es)


R”l Acronym for Rachmana litzlan, May they be granted mercy
ra’ah Bad
Rabban Rabbi
Rabbanim Rabbis
Rabbeinu Hakadosh Our holy Rabbi, referring to R’ Yehuda Hanasi
Rabbeinu Tam’s tefillin Second pair of Tefillin, according to Rabbeinu Tam, in addition to tefillin according to Rashi
Rabbi Shneur Zalman First Chabad Rebbe, Alter Rebbe or Baal Hatanya (1745-1812)
Rachmana litzlan May Hashem save us (from such an occurrence)
rachmanus Pity
Ramash (Rebbe) Initials of Reb Mendel Schneerson
Rambam Maimonides, Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon
Ramban Nachmanides, Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, a famous Torah commentator
rasha Wicked one
Rashab Rabbi Sholom DovBer Schneerson, fifth Chabad Rebbe (1860-1920)
Rashi Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, foremost Biblical and Talmudic commentator
ratzon Will
Rav Rabbi who decides halachah
Rayatz Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, sixth Chabad Rebbe aka Frierdiker Rebbe (1880-1950)
Rebbe/Rebbeim Chassidic leader(s) or yeshiva teacher(s)
Rebbetzin Rabbi’s wife
Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Wife of the Rebbe and daughter of Frierdiker Rebbe
rebbi (teacher) Yeshiva teacher
Rechush gadol with great wealth
redt Talk
refuah shleimah Complete recovery
Refuah/os cure(s)
remez Hint
Reshimos Writings of Rebbeim
Reshus harabim Public domain
reviyis About 3.3 ounces, a halachic quantity
Ribono Shel Olam Master of the Universe (G-d)
Rishonim Early Rabbinic authorities
rofeh yedid Doctor who is also a dear friend
Rosh Chodesh First day of new Jewish month, lit. head of the month
Rosh Chodesh Kislev First day of the month of Kislev, day we celebrate the Rebbe’s recovery from heart attack in 1977
Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year
Roshei Heads of…
roshei teivos Initials
Roshei Yeshivos Heads of Jewish schools
Rov Rabbi and leader of a community who decides law (??)
ruach Spirit, lit. wind
ruach hakodesh Divine spirit, prophecy
ruach shtus (Sin brought on by) foolish inclination
ruchnius Spirituality


S’iz mekushar tzum Rebb’n It is connected to the Rebbe
sakanas nefashos Endangering of life
same’ach b’chelko Happy with his/her lot
sandek Man honored with holding baby during circumcision
Sanhedrin Jewish court of law in times of Beis Hamikdash
Sar (of Mitzraim) officer
Savta Grandmother
schach Branches that cover sukkah
schar limud Yeshiva tuition
schmaltz Animal fat (used in cooking)
Sdom Wicked city in times of Avraham
seder/sedarim Ritual observance at festive meal(s), first 2 nights of Pesach, lit. order
Sefer Haminhagim Book of customs
Sefer Hamitzvos The Rambam’s order of mitzvos
Sefer Torah Torah scroll
Sefer Yetzirah Kabbalistic work written by Avraham our father
sefer/sefarim Holy book(s)
Sefira/Sefiras Ha’omer The counting of the Omer, formal counting of the 49 days from Passover to Shavuos
sefiros Divine attributes, emanations or manifestations numbering ten
segulah/segulos Something you do to increase the likelihood of good things happening
seichel (Common) sense
seudah Meal, feast
seudas hoda’ah A festive meal where one offers thanks to G-d after experiencing a personal salvation
Seudas Shabbos Shabbos meal which begins with kiddush
seudaso d’Dovid Malka Meshicha Feast of King Moshiach (see melaveh malkah)
Seven Noahide Laws Laws given to Noach, binding upon all people, Jews and non Jews alike (adultery, idolatry, murder, eating limb from live animals, blasphemy, stealing, appointing courts of justice)
Sforno – Rabbeinu Ovadiah Sforno Italian commentator on the Torah and doctor
Shabbat Shalom Have a good Shabbos
sh’eilah Question
Shaar blatt Title page
Shabbaton A Shabbos dedicated to the spiritual growth of participants
Shabbos/Shabbat Sabbath, seventh day, on Saturday
Shabbos Bereishis The 1st Shabbos after Simchas Torah when we begin reading the Torah portion of Bereishis once again
Shabbos Mevorchim Shabbos before Rosh Chodesh when the new month is blessed
shacharis Morning prayer
shadchan/shadchanim Matchmaker(s)
shagur b’fiv frequently mentioned
shalach manos colloq. for mishloach manos, food gifts passed between Jews on Purim
shalom aleichem Greeting, lit: Peace unto you
shalom bayis Marital peace and harmony
shalom bein ish l’ishto Peace between man and wife
shalom zachar Friday evening party welcoming newborn male
shalosh seudos Third meal of Shabbos
shamash One who serves others
Shamayim Sky, heavens, or G-d
Shammes Caretaker of the synagogue
Shana Tovah Good year
shanda Shame
shatnez Mixture of wool and linen forbidden by the Torah to wear
Shavuos Holiday of Pentecost commemorating the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai
Shechinah Divine Presence
shechitah Ritual slaughter
shechunah Neighborhood
shehechiyanu Blessing made on holidays and on certain new things thanking G-d for keeping us alive to experience this time (??)
Sheine kop Beautiful child, lit. nice head
sheitel Wig
Sheitel macher wig stylist
shekalim Israeli currency, also used in Biblical times
shekiah sunset
Shema Yisroel Hear O Israel, The L-d is our G-d, The L-d is One!
Shemitah seventh year sabbatical
shep nachas To derive nachas, to feel pleasure and pride at some accomplishment or gift
sheva brachos Festivities which take place for seven days following a Jewish wedding; also the blessings said at the wedding
shevet Tribe
sheyichyeh He/she/they should live
shidduch/shidduchim Proposed marital match
Shir Hashirim Song of Songs authored by King Solomon
shiur/shiurim Study periods, lectures, lessons, or prescribed amounts
shivah 7-day period of intense mourning following death of immediate relative
shkiah Sundown
shleimus ha’aretz Eretz Yisroel in its entirety, keeping it whole
shlemiel Clumsy or foolish person
shlep Drag
shliach mitzvah gelt Money given to a traveler to give to charity upon arrival at destination
Shliach/shlucha/shluchim/shluchos 1. Messenger 2. Emissary of the Rebbe male/female/male plural/female plural
shlichus Mission
shlishi Third
shlita May he live a good, long life
Shlomo HaMelech King Solomon
shloshim 30-day mourning period
shmad/shmad zich Convert out of Judaism, G-d forbid
shmatta/shmattes Rag
Shmini Atzeres 8th day of holiday of Sukkos, and a holiday in its own right
Shmirah Patrol, watchmen
shmiras haguf Keeping one‘s body in good health
Shmiras halashon Being careful not to speak badly of others, lit. guarding the tongue
shmiras Shabbos Guarding Shabbos
Shmitah Sabbatical year
Shmoneh Esrei Silent prayer recited thrice daily
Shmuel Alef Third book of early prophets, written by the Prophet Shmuel
shmuess Talk (noun)
shmurah matzah Matzah baked from wheat which was guarded from time of harvest
shmutz Dirt
shnas hageulah Year of redemption
shnas hakhel Every seventh year, when all would assemble to hear the King read Torah
shochet/shochtim Ritual slaughterer(s)
shofar Ram’s horn
shomer mitzvos One who is observant of the Torah and its laws
Shomer negiah One who is careful with the laws of not touching unrelated members of the opposite sex
shomer Shabbos One who observes the Sabbath
shomer Torah Observant, lit. one who keeps Torah
shtender Podium
shtetl Village
shtick Games
shtiebl/shtieblach Little neighborhood shul(s)
shtreimel Fur hat traditionally worn by certain sects of Chassidim (not Lubavitch)
shturem Fuss or noise Lit. storm
shul Synagogue
Shulchan Aruch Code of Jewish law
Shushan Purim Day after Purim
Shvat Fifth Jewish month
shver Father-in-law
Shvigger Mother-in-law
Shvii shel Pesach The seventh day of Pesach
sichah/sichos Address(es) delivered by Rebbe, lit. conversational segment(s)
Sichos Kodesh Holy sichos – see sichah
siddur/siddurim Prayer book(s)
Sifrei Books of
sifrei kodesh Holy books
Sifrei Torah Torah scrolls
siman Sign/clue, a chapter in Shulchan Aruch (Code of Jewish Law)
simchah Joyous event(s), or a state of joy
simchah poretz geder Joy breaks all boundaries
simchas beis hashoevah Dancing and celebration each night of Sukkos, commemorating the celebration that took place in the Beis Hamikdosh
Simchas hachayim joie de vivre
Simchas Torah Festival of rejoicing with the Torah, which occurs at the end of Sukkos
sinas chinam Hatred without provocation
sirtuk Prince Albert black coat worn by Lubav. men on Shabbos
Sitra achara The other side, referring to the side of evil
Sivan Ninth Jewish month
siyata d’Shmaya Heavenly help
siyum Conclusion, or party marking a conclusion
smichah Rabbinical ordination
Sochnut agency
sod Secret
sofer/sofrim Scribe(s)
Sugya Chapter in Talmud
Sukkah Hut with a roof made of leaves or branches used for the holiday of Sukkos
Sukkos Holiday in Tishrei during which we commemorate clouds of glory which protected Jews for 40 years in desert
svivah Environment


taam Taste or reason
Taamei Haminhagim Jewish textbook showing sources for customs
taanis bechorim Fast of firstborn son, commemorated on the day preceding Pesach
Taanis Esther Fast of Esther, commemorated on the day preceding Purim
taavah Desire or craving
taavah/taavos Craving(s)
tachlis Purpose
tachnun Confession, part of daily (except Shabbos) prayer where sins are recounted in detail, not said on happy occasions
tafel Secondary or less important
tafkid Task, mandate
tahaluchah A march to other neighborhoods to spread Chassidus and the joy of Yom Tov
taharah Ritual cleansing performed on dead body, lit. purity
taharas hamishpachah Laws of family purity
takanos Timely instructions from Rabbanim
tallis Prayer shawl
talmid chacham/talmidei chachamim Scholar(s) of Jewish studies
talmid/talmidim Male student(s)
talmidah/talmidos Female student(s)
Talmud Compendium of Jewish Law
Talmud Torah Learning Torah, also Hebrew school
Tammuz Tenth Jewish month
Tanach Acronym for Torah, N’viim, Kesuvim (written Torah)
Tanna’im Authors of Mishna
Tanya Magnum opus of the Alter Rebbe
Tanya b’al peh Tanya (a written work of the Alter Rebbe) by heart
taryag mitzvos 613 Commandments
tashlich Prayer and rite performed on Rosh Hashanah, on which one symbolically casts away sins in a body of water
tatte Father
Tatte, Ich vel ba dir… Father, I want to ask you four questions (asked by children at the Seder)
Tatty Daddy
tbl”ch May she be separated for life (from one who died)
tchup overgrown haircut
techias hemeisim Resurrection of the dead
techum Distance one may walk on Shabbos
tefillah/tefillos Prayer(s)
tefillas haderech Prayer said when traveling outside one’s city requesting safe journey and peaceful return
tefillin Phylacteries
Tehillim Psalms
teikef umiyad mamash Immediately!
teitsch Translation
teivah 1. Ark 2. Word
tekias shofar The blowing of the ram’s horn
Terumah, terumah 1. name of parshah 2. portion belonging to kohen
teshuvah Return to G-d
teshuvos Answers
teva Nature
tevilah Immersion
tfachim Handsbreadths
tichel Kerchief, usually worn to cover hair of married women
tikun chatzos Midnight prayers mourning destruction of Holy Temple
tikun olam Improvement or correction of the world
tinok shenishbah One who was never taught and is therefore not responsible, lit. a child who was taken captive
tinokos shel beis Rabban Schoolchildren
Tishah b’Av Ninth day in Hebrew month of Av commemorating the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem
Tishrei First month of the year in which Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkos take place
tizku l’mitzvos May you merit to fulfill more mitzvos (said to one who performs a mitzvah for you)
tochachah Rebuke
toiveling To immerse
Torah leining Torah reading or chanting
Torah sheb’al peh Oral translation of Torah
Torah shebichsav Written Torah
Toras chaim Living Torah
Toras Emes The Torah of Truth
Tosafos Commentary on Gemara
tov Good
tracht gut vet zein gut Think good (thoughts), it will be good
treif Not kosher
trop Musical notes for reading Torah
Tu b’Shvat New Year for Trees, 15th day of the month of Shvat
tumah Impurity
tyere Dear
tzaar Sorrow, pain
Tzach (Tzeirei Agudas Chabad) Lubavitch Youth Organization, established by the Rebbe in early 1950’s, with international branches
tzadekes Righteous woman
tzadik/tzadikim Righteous man (men)
tzaros Pains, troubles
tzedakah Charity
tzeischem l’shalom Bidding of farewell (lit. go in peace)
Tzemach Tzedek Rabbi Menachem Mendel, third Chabad Rebbe (1789-1866)
tzibur Congregation
Tzidkeinu Our righeous
tziduk hadin Justice of the law
tzimmer Room
Tzion Zion, Jerusalem
tzitzis Fringes men are required to wear on four cornered garment
tziun grave
Tzivos Hashem Army of G-d, referring to Jewish children, also a Jewish children’s organization
tznius/tzniusdik Modesty in dress and behavior (noun/adj.)
tzu lange yahren Blessing for a long life


ufaratzta Lit: And you shall spread out
Unterfirer One who escorts bride or groom to chuppah
upsherenish Boy’s first haircut at age 3
Ushpizin Guests in the sukkah visiting from the other World


V’ahavta l’reiacha kamocha Love your fellow as yourself
V’al yivosh mipnei hamaligim Don’t be embarrassed by those who scoff
v’asu li mikdash Make for me a temple and I will dwell in their midst
v’heishiv lev avos al bonim The children will cause the parents to return
v’nizkeh “May we merit to see ourselves with the Rebbe, down here, and he will redeem us”. The Rebbe said these words after the Frierdiker Rebbe’s histalkus
vach nacht Night before bris, when baby’s father learns all night
varemkeit Warm/warmth
vehu yigaleinu And he will redeem us
Viduy Confession, said before dying
Vilde chayah Wild animal
vochedik Pertaining to the weekday
vort 1. Torah thought 2. engagement party (lit. word)
vos macht … How is…
vos shneller The faster, the better
Vov Tishrei Sixth day of Tishrei, yahrtzeit of Rebbetzin Chana, the Rebbe’s mother
Yaakov Jacob, our Patriarch
yad soledes Hot enough to blister baby’s skin
yahrtzeit Annual date of death
Yaldei hashluchim The children of shluchim
Yalkut Shimoni Anthology of homiletic interpretation of Torah compiled by Rabi Shimon
Yam Suf The Red Sea
Yamim Nora’im The High Holy Days (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur)
Yamim Tovim Jewish holidays
yarmulke Skullcap
yasher koach More power to you, an expression of thanks
ybl”ch Acronym for yibadel l’chaim, words to separate the name of a person who is alive from the name of one who is not alive
Yechi adoneinu moreinu v’Rabbeinu melech ha’Moshiach l’olam vaed Long live our master our teacher our Rebbe, the king Moshiach forever
Yechidah Highest part of the neshamah or soul
yechidus Private audience with Rebbe
Yehoshua Joshua, leader of Jews after Moshe
Yehudah v’Shomron Judea and Samaria
yemach shemam (y”sh) May their names be erased
yemos haMoshiach Days of Moshiach
Yerushah Inheritance
Yerushalayim Jerusalem
Yerushalayim habnuyah The rebuilt Jerusalem
Yeshayahu Isaiah the prophet
yeshiva Torah school
yeshiva ketanah Yeshiva high school
Yeshivah gedolah Rabbinical college
yeshuah v’hatzalah Salvation and relief
yesod Basis, foundation
yetzer hara Evil inclination
yetzer tov Good inclination
yetzias haneshamah The soul leaving the body, moment of death
Yetzias Mitzrayim Exodus from Egypt
yichud Laws pertaining to the seclusion of unrelated men and women
yichus Pedigree, of noble birth
Yid/Yidden Jew(s)
Yiddish 1. Jewish 2. the language called Yiddish
Yiddishkeit Judaism
YidYid/Yidden Jew/Jews
yingel/yingele Boy
yiras Hashem Fear of G-d
yiras Shamayim Fear of Heaven
yirei Shamayim (plural) Those who fear Heaven
Yisbarach Blessed
yishuv Settlement
yishuv Eretz Yisroel Settlement of the complete land of Israel
Yitzchak Avinu Isaac our forefather
Yizkor Prayer said to honor parents who have passed on
yogati umatzasi Work hard and you will find [success]
yom huledes Birthday
Yom Kippur Day of Atonement
Yom Tov Jewish holiday
Yoma d’pagra Special day
Yosef Hatzaddik Joseph the Righteous
Yosher Justice
yotzei Fulfilled one’s obligation
yovel Fiftieth year in the 50-year cycle of the Jewish calendar
Yud Aleph Nissan 11th day of Nissan, the Rebbe’s birthday
Yud Beis Tammuz The 12th day of the month of Tammuz. Birthday of the Frierdiker Rebbe and day of his release from prison.
Yud Daled Kislev 14th day of Kislev, wedding anniversary of the Rebbe and his wife Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka
Yud Shvat 10th day of Shvat, passing of Frierdiker Rebbe, day the seventh Rebbe became Rebbe
Yud Tes Kislev 19th day of the month of Kislev, the day the Alter Rebbe was freed from Russian prison
yungeleit Young married men
yungermahn Young married man


z”l Zichrono livrachah. May his memory be a blessing
Zaide Grandfather
zal Study hall
Zchus harabim The merit of the many
zchus, zchuyos, zchusim Merit (n), plural of merit
Zchuso yagen aleinu May his merit protect us
zehn zich mitn Rebben doh l’matah We should see the Rebbe here, in this lower world
Zemiros Songs sung at a Shabbos meal
zivug Itended marriage partner
zman Time
zmiros Songs we sing at the Shabbos table
zocheh Merit (v)
Zohar Title of the classical text embodying the teachings of Jewish mysticism by Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai
zol gezunt zein Should be healthy
Zos haTorah This is the Torah, said when the Torah is lifted in Shul
zrizim People who are enthusiastic in pursuit of doing good
zrizus Alacrity
zt”l Zecher Tzadik L’vrachah, the memory of a righteous person [brings] a blessing