Word |
Definition |
A |
a”h | Acronym for Alav/Aleha Hashalom – spoken about the departed – may his/her soul rest in peace |
Acharon Shel Pesach | Last day (8th day) of Pesach |
Acharonim | Latter commentaries on Jewish law |
achdus | Unity |
Achos Chana | Sisters of Chana |
achrayus | Responsibility |
Ad mosai? | How long must we wait for Moshiach? lit. until when? |
Adam Harishon | Adam the first man |
Adar | Sixth Jewish month |
Admor Hazaken | The Alter Rebbe; Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi; Baal Hatanya. Founder of Chabad Chassidism 1745-1812 |
Adoneinu | Our master |
adoni | my master |
afikoman | Dessert; matzah eaten at end of Seder |
agmas nefesh | Aggravation |
agunah | A deserted wife |
ah gutter better/better’n | One who has moved on to the next world who intercedes on behalf of those still in this world (m/f) |
ahavah | Love |
ahavas chinam | Unconditional love |
ahavas Hashem | Love of Hashem |
ahavas Yisroel | Love for a fellow Jew |
akeidah | binding (of Yitzchok) |
akeres habayis | Female pillar of the home |
akshanim | Stubborn people |
akshanus | Stubbornness |
akum | Non-Jews. lit. those who worship stars |
al cheit | Confession of one’s sins |
al hamichyah | Grace to be said after certain meals or snacks |
al kiddush Hashem | For the sanctification of G-d’s name |
Al netilas lulav | Blessing made on the Four Kinds on the holiday of Sukkos |
Al pi halachah | according to Jewish law |
al taharas hakodesh | In pure holiness |
Aleinu | Last portion of each of the three prayers recited daily |
aleph | First letter in Hebrew alphabet |
aliyah | Any form of rising (to the Torah, or to Israel) |
almanah/almanos | widow/widows |
Alshich Hakadosh | A prominent rabbi and biblical commentator in the latter part of the 16th century |
Alter heim | The old country: pre-Holocaust Europe (lit. the old home) |
Alter Rebbe | Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, first Chabad Rebbe |
Am Yisroel | The Jewish nation |
Amalek | The nation we are commanded to destroy |
amei haaretz | Ignorant person/people. lit. nations of the land |
amen | Response to a blessing, meaning “true” |
Amora’im | Rabbis who authored Gemara |
Amram | The father of Moshe |
amud | Lectern |
ananei hakovod | Clouds of Glory (that protected the Yidden during their 40 years in the desert) |
anash | People in one’s own group or sect, lit. acronym for Anshei Shlomeinu “people who agree” |
ani maamin | I believe |
apikores | Heretic, unbeliever |
aravos | Willow branches, one of the Four Kinds used on Sukkos |
arba minim | The Four Kinds of plants that we say a blessing on during the holiday of Sukkos |
arbes | Chickpeas |
arichas yamim | Long life |
Arizal | Rabbi Yitzchok Luria, 17th century Kabbalist |
aron/aron kodesh | ark/Holy ark |
artzeinu hakedoshah | Our Holy Land |
Asarah b’Teves | Fast day commemorating the siege of Jerusalem on the 10th day of Teves |
asarah maamaros | Ten Utterances |
aseres hadibros | Ten Commandments |
aseres yemei teshuvah | Ten Days of Repentance/Return. Days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur |
ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu | How lucky are we, and how good is our lot |
asiyah | Action, or the spiritual world of Action |
askan/askanim/askanios | Activist(s) |
assur | forbidden |
aufruf | Calling up of a groom to the Torah in Shul on the Shabbos before his wedding |
Av | Name of fifth Jewish month |
Av Beis Din | Head of court |
aveilus | Period of mourning |
aveirah | Sin |
avel/aveilim | Mourner(s) |
Avinu | Our Father |
avodah | Service of G-d. lit. work |
avodas hatefillah | the (spiritual) work of prayer |
avodah zarah | Idolatry |
avos | Patriarchs: Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov |
Avraham Avinu | Abraham our Patriarch |
ayin hara | Evil eye |
azarah | Courtyard of Beis Hamikdash where kohanim brought sacrifices |
azkir al hatziyun | I will mention it at the graveside of my father-in-law the Frierdiker Rebbe |
B |
↑TOP |
b’achdus | In unity |
b’al peh | By heart |
b’ezras Hashem | With the help of G-d |
b’gashmius | Physically |
B’guf | with one’s body |
b’hester | Secretly |
b’hiddur | With utmost care |
b’poel | In action |
b’rov am | In the midst of a great nation |
b’ruchnius | Spiritually |
b’simchah | With joy |
b’Yisroel | In Israel |
b’zchus nashim tzidkanios nigalu avoseinu … | In the merit of righteous women our fathers were redeemed from Egypt and in their merit we will be redeemed in the future |
b’dieved | As a last resort |
B’hatzlachah | with success, good luck |
b”H | Acronyn for baruch Hashem, thank G-d. lit. bless G-d |
baal korei | Torah reader |
baal shacharis | Chazzan (cantor) for shacharis in shul |
Baal Shem Tov | Founder of the Chassidic movement (1698-1760) |
Baal Shem Tov | Rabbi Yisroel, founder of Chasidism (1698-1760) |
baal simchah | Host of the party |
baal tokeya | Shofar blower |
baal/baalas teshuvah | One who became Torah observant later in life, not born into an observant family. lit. returner. M/F |
Baal/ei ga’avah | A haughty person (pl.) |
baalabos/balabatim | Supporter(s) of good causes, lit. homeowner(s) |
Baba Meztia | Section of Gemara |
bachur/bachurim | Unmarried male(s) |
Bais Chana | school for baalos teshuvah |
Bais Rivkah | Lubavitch girls’ school in Crown Heights |
bakashah | Request |
balabusta | Competent homemaker |
Balebatim | people with homes, families, and good livelihood who are able to support Torah institutions |
bamah | Altar |
banim | Sons |
bar/bas mitzvah | Jewish male over 13/female over 12, and the celebration marking their rite of passage |
baruch | Blessed |
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes | Blessed be the True Judge – Said upon being notified of a death |
baruch haba | Welcome |
baruch Hashem | Thank G-d (abbreviated B”H) lit. bless G-d |
bas kol | Heavenly voice |
bas melech | Daughter of the King |
Bas Mitzvah | A girl who at age 12 assumes the responsibility of mitzvos. Also the celebration marking this rite of passage. |
bas talmid chacham | Daughter of Torah scholar |
bas Yisroel | Daughter of Israel, Jewish girl or woman |
bashert | Pre-ordained by G-d |
Basi L’Gani | Title of the last Chassidic discourse said by the Frierdiker Rebbe, and the first discourse said by the Rebbe upon assuming leadership |
batei knesses | Synagogues |
battim macher | One who is skilled at making the boxes of tefillin |
bayis | House |
bayis ne’eman | True Jewish home |
becher | Goblet used to make Kiddush |
Bechinas achoray’im | an unwilling manner of giving as if throwing from behind |
bechor | Male that is first-born child |
bedikah | Inspection |
Bein adam lachaveiro | Between man and his friend |
bein adam laMakom | Between Man and G-d |
beinoni | One who is in-between tzaddik and rasha |
Beis Chabad | Place established by Lubavitcher Rebbe to strengthen all facets of Judaism, lit. House of Chabad |
beis din | Rabbinical court |
beis din shel Maalah | Heavenly court |
beis hachaim | Cemetery |
Beis Haknesses | Synagogue |
Beis Hamikdash | Holy Temple in Jerusalem |
Beis Hamikdash Hashlishi | The Third Holy Temple |
Beis Medrash | House of study |
Beis Moshiach | House of Messiah – refers to 770 Eastern Parkway |
Beis Nissan | 2nd day of the month Nissan, Yahrtzeit of the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom DovBer Schneersohn (“Rashab”) |
Beis Rabbeinu | House of our Rebbe |
bentch | Bless, or say prayer after meals |
bentch licht | To say a blessing on a candle before the start of Shabbos or Yom Tov |
bentcher | Booklet of Grace after meals |
Bereishis | Genesis, lit. in the beginning |
besamim | Spices |
Besht | Acronym for Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov |
besuros tovos | Good news |
bikur cholim | Visiting the sick |
bikurim | first fruits brought by Jews to kohanim in the time of the Beis Hamikdash |
Bimah | The podium from which the Torah is read in shul |
bimheirah b’yomeinu | Speedily in our days |
binah | Understanding |
binyan adei ad | An everlasting edifice |
birchas hamazon | Grace after meals |
birur | 1. Explanation 2. Refinement |
birur hanitzutzos | The elevation of sparks (fulfilling potential) |
bissel | Small amount |
bitachon | Trust, very strong faith |
bitul | Self-nullification |
biur chometz | The burning of the leaven performed on Erev Pesach |
Biyas | Comming of… |
blech | Metal sheet placed over burners to keep food warm on Shabbos |
bli ayin hara | May the evil eye spare us |
bli neder | Without a halachically binding promise |
bnei melech | Princes |
bnei Torah | People who live by the principles of the Torah |
bnei Yisroel | Children of Israel – Jewish nation |
bni bechori Yisroel | Term of endearment from a father (G-d) to His eldest son (the Jewish nation) |
bnos melech | Princesses |
Borchu | Prayer said 7 days a week as introduction to blessings preceding “Shema,” also said by one called up to the Torah |
Bosi L’Gani | A Chasidic discourse, or maamar, said by the Frierdiker Rebbe and added onto by his successor |
brachah/brachos | Blessing(s) |
bris milah/brissen/brissos | Ritual circumcision/s |
Bubbe/Bubby | Grandmother |
C |
↑TOP |
Chabad | Branch of Chassidus based upon Chochmah, Binah and Daas – wisdom, understanding and knowledge |
Chabadnik | Follower of Chabad movement |
chachamim | Sages |
chag | Holiday |
chag sameach | Happy Holiday |
chag kosher v’same’ach | Happy and Kosher Holiday (Pesach) |
chalav Yisroel | Any dairy product which was under Jewish supervision from time of milking |
chalilah | G-d forbid |
challah | Braided bread eaten at every Shabbos and Yom Tov meal |
chametz | Leaven, forbidden during Passover |
Chanukah | Festival of Lights, in December |
chap arain | Seize the moment |
chareidi | Religious, G-d fearing |
chas v’shalom | G-d forbid (abbreviated c”v) |
chasdei Hashem | The kindness of G-d |
Chasidim ein mishpacha | Chassidim are one family |
Chassan Bereishis | The honor of receiving the first Aliyah when beginning to read the Torah on Simchas Torah. Also the one who receives this honor. |
Chassan Torah | The honor of receiving the last Aliyah when concluding the Torah on Simchas Torah. Also the one who receives this honor. |
chassan/chassanim | Groom(s) |
chassidei Chabad | Followers of Chabad, members of Chabad |
chassidei umos haolam | Kind people among the non-Jewish nations of the world |
Chassidic | Pertaining to or adhering to Chassidism |
chassidim | followers of Chassidus |
chassidish/chassidishe | befitting one raised with Chassidus |
chassidiste | female follower of Chassidus |
Chassidus Chassidism | Interpretation of Torah based upon teachings of Besht, Alter Rebbe and other Chassidic Rebbeim |
chassunah | Wedding |
Chasunah | wedding |
Chatzos | midnight |
chaveirim | Friends |
chavrusa | Study partner, lit. friendship |
chayil | 1. Strenth 2. Bravery 3. Wealth 4. Acronym for chossid, yerei Shamayim and lamdan |
chayus | Vitality |
chazak | Stay strong |
chazak v’ematz | Be strong and courageous |
Chazal | Acronym referring to our Sages of Blessed Memory |
chazarah | Review |
chazaras hashatz | Chazzan’s repetition of Shemoneh Esrei |
chazzan | Cantor |
cheder/chadarim | School(s) for Jewish children |
cheilek | Portion |
cheilek Elokah mimaal mamash | Literally a part of G-d from above |
chein | Favor or grace |
cheirem | Excommunication |
cheit | Sin |
cheit eitz hada’as | Sin of the Tree of Knowledge |
chelko/chelkah | His/her share |
Ches | Eighth letter Hebrew alphabet |
cheshbon nefesh | An accounting of oneself |
cheshbon/cheshbonos | Calculation(s) |
chessed | Kindness |
chevlei Moshiach | Birthpangs of Moshiach |
Chevra Kadisha | Burial society |
chevreman | One who accomplishes a lot in admirable ways |
chiloni | Non-religious |
chilul Hashem | Desecration of G-d’s name |
chinuch | Education |
chisaron | A lack |
Chitas | Acronym for Chumash (Torah), Tehillim (Psalms) and Tanya. All 3 are studied in daily portions as prescribed by the Frierdiker Rebbe in early 1900’s |
chitzonius | Exterior |
chizuk | Strength, encouragement |
chochmah | Wisdom |
Chof Av | 20th day in the month of Av, anniversary of passing of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak (Rebbe’s father) |
Chof Beis Shvat | 22nd day of the month of Shvat, anniversary of passing of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka (Rebbe’s wife) |
Chol Hamoed | Intermediate days in both Sukkos and Pesach |
choleh | Sick person |
cholent | Traditional hot Shabbos lunch of potatoes, meat and beans that’s been cooked overnight |
Chosech shivto, sonei bno | One who spares the rod hates his son |
chossid | Follower of Chassidism, lit. pious person |
chozer | Reviewer/Repeater |
Chumash | Five books of Moses, Pentateuch |
chumros | Stringencies |
chuppah | Wedding canopy and ceremony in which it is used |
churban | Destruction (primarily of the Temple) |
chush | Sense |
chutz laaretz | Outside of the Land of Israel |
chutzah | Outside |
chutzpadik | Exhibiting chutzpah (nerve, gall) |
chutzpah | Audacity, nerve |
D |
↑TOP |
D’oraysa | Of the (written) Torah (as opposed to the Oral Torah) |
daas | Knowledge |
daf | Page |
daled amos | One’s immediate environment, lit. four cubits |
dam | Blood |
dan l’chaf zchus | Judge favorably |
dati | Religious |
Davar be’ito mah tov | how good is something in its (proper) time |
daven/davening/davenen | Pray(ing)/to pray |
davka | Specifically or deliberately |
dayan | Judge |
dayeinu | It would be sufficient for us |
deckel | Cover |
derech | Way |
derech eretz | Decency, courtesy, manners |
derech eretz kadmah l‘Torah | Having courtesy and good manners precedes the learning of Torah |
Derech Hatevah | the way of nature |
dibur | Speech |
didan natzach | Cry of victory pertaining to the holy books that the courts awarded to the Rebbe and his chassidim on 5 Teves 5747 (1987) |
dikduk | Grammar |
din Torah | The law according to Torah |
din v’cheshbon | Reckoning |
dinim | Laws |
dirah b’tachtonim | Dwelling place in this world below |
divrei | Words of… |
dor | Generation(s) |
dor hashvii | Seventh generation |
dos iz a shvacha chossid | This is a weak chossid |
Dovid Hamelech | King David |
drasha | Sermon, speech |
dreidel | Spinning top used on Chanuka |
drush | What we learn out |
duch (din v’cheshbon) | Accounting, report (acronym for din v’cheshbon) |
Duchan | To bless the Jews as only a kohen can |
Duchan | To bless the Jews as only a kohen can |
dugma | Role model |
dvar/divrei Torah | Thought(s) from the Torah |
dveikus | Closeness, or meditation about closeness between Jew and G-d |
E |
↑TOP |
Ehrlicher | Honest and refined |
Eibershter | The One Above |
eidel | Refined |
eigener | Of our own kind, one of us |
eimah v’yirah | Terror and awe |
Ein Od Milvado | There is nothing but Him |
einiklach | Grandchildren |
eishes chayil | Woman of valor |
eitz hadaas | Tree of knowledge |
eivorim | Limbs |
eizer k’negdo | Helpmate |
Elisha | Prophet who succeeded Eliyahu Hanavi |
Eliyahu Hanavi | Elijah the Prophet |
Elokus | G-dliness |
Elter Zeide/Bubbe | Great-grandfather, great-grandmother |
eltere chassidim | Older Chassidim |
Elul | Twelfth Jewish month, month of stock-taking that precedes the New Year |
emes | Truth |
emunah | Faith |
emunah pshutah | Simple faith |
emunas… | Faith in… |
Er zitst in Gan Eden un hert Chassidus fun Shver | “He is sitting in Gan Eden and learning Chassidus with my father-in-law [the Previous Rebbe].” |
erenste | Serious, earnest |
Eretz Yisroel | Land of Israel |
Erev… | Day before or eve of… |
erliche | Pious |
esrog | Citron fruit used on Sukkos |
etzem | Essence |
Ezer k’negdo | Helpmate opposite him |
ezras nashim | Women’s section (in a Synagogue) |
F |
↑TOP |
farbrengen | Gathering of chassidim where honest discussion, Torah learning and singing of niggunim take place |
fargin | be happy with others’ good fortune without being jealous or resentful of them |
farher | Test |
farvoss | Why |
Fier kashes | 4 questions (recited at the Pesach seder) aka the Mah Nishtanah |
fleishig | Meat |
freilach | Joyful, happy |
freye Yidden | Jews who are not yet Torah-observant |
Frierdiker Rebbe | Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneerson (1880-1950) |
frum/frumkeit | Religious, religiousness |
G |
↑TOP |
gabbai/gabba’im | Sexton(s) |
galus | Exile |
gam zu l’tovah | This, too, is for the best |
gan | Garden/Pre-school |
Gan Eden | The next world, paradise, lit. Garden of Eden |
gaon | Genius (in learning) |
gartel | Black fabric belt men use during davening |
gashmius | Anything physical or tangible |
gebroktz | Matzah which has come into contact with water or any form of cooking that allows for that |
Gedolah tzedakah shemikareves… | How great is charity that it hastens the redemption. |
gedolei Yisroel | Great Jews; leaders of Jews |
gehinnom | Purgatory |
gelt | Money |
gemach | Interest-free loan fund, lit. acronym for Gemilas Chesed which means lovingkindness |
Gemara | Portion of Talmud written by Amora’im which explains Mishna, written by Tanna’im |
gematria | Numerical equivalence of the Hebrew letters of the alphabet |
gemilas chassadim | Acts of charity and kindness |
ger | Convert (m) |
geshmak | Tasty, a taste for |
get | Jewish divorce |
Getlichkeit | G-dliness |
Geulah | Redemption |
Geulah ho’amitis v’hashleima | The true and complete redemption |
Geulah shleimah | Complete redemption |
gevurah | Strength |
gezeirah | Decree |
gezunte | Healthy |
Gilgul | incarnation |
giluy Moshiach | Revelation of the Messiah |
giluyim | Revelation |
gimmel klipos hatmayos | Evil which cannot be redeemed or reversed |
Gimmel Tammuz | 3rd day of Tammuz, day of histalkus of the Lubavitcher Rebbe |
giyores | Convert (f) |
glatt kosher | Higher standard of Kashrus than Kosher., lit. “smooth kosher” referring to smoothness of animal’s lung |
gmar chasimah tovah | May you be sealed for a sweet new year |
goilem | (need to know context to define, though hard to define in any case) |
golah | Exile |
goldeneh medineh | Golden country; how Europeans referred to U.S. after World War II |
goy/goyim | Gentile(s), lit. nations |
goyish/goyishe | Pertaining to non-Jews |
guf gashmi | Physical body |
gut/gutskeit | Good(ness) |
Gzeiros | decrees |
H |
↑TOP |
hachanah | Preparation |
hachlatos tovos | Good resolutions |
hachnasas kallah | Help to brides, usually financial |
hachnasas orchim | Taking guests into one’s home |
Hadar HaTorah | Yeshiva for men of limited Torah background |
hadassim | Myrtle branches, one of the Four Kinds used on Sukkos |
hadlakas neiros | Candle lighting |
hadrachah | Guidance |
hafotzas hamaayonos | Dissemination of the wellsprings (of Chassidus) |
hafrashas challah/hafrasha | mitzvah of separating a portion of dough before baking bread/separating (of a piece of challah dough) |
haftorah | Portion from Prophets read in the Synagogue on Shabbos and Yom Tov |
Haggadah | Text said at Pesach seder. lit. story telling |
Hakadosh Baruch Hu | The Holy One (Blessed Be He)- reference to G-d |
hakafos | marching or dancing in a circle around the Shul |
hakaras hatov | Gratitude for kindness rendered |
hakhel | Gathering of all Jewish men, women and children when King would read excerpts from Torah. Took place every 7 years. |
Hakitzu v’ranenu shochnei afar | Those who rest in dust will awaken and rejoice |
Hakohen | the Kohen (member of the priestly family that descends from Aharon) |
halachah/halachic | Jewish Law |
halevai | Would that it were so |
Hallel | Prayer of praise to G-d, sung on holidays |
Hamaaseh hu ha’ikar | the action is the main thing |
hamantashen | Three-cornered cookies traditionally enjoyed on Purim |
hamidbar | The desert |
hamotzi | Blessing on bread |
hanhagah | Conduct/Behavior |
hanhalah | Administration |
Har Hazeisim | Mount of Olives (Cemetery in Jerusalem) |
Har Sinai | Mount Sinai |
Harabbanis… | The Rebbetzin, or Rabbi’s wife |
Hareini mochel | I hereby forgive |
hartzik | Heartfelt, sincere |
Hashanah Rabbah | (change spelling to HOshana Raba) 7th day of Sukkos |
Hashavas Aveidah | returning a lost object |
Hashem | G-d |
Hashem yikom damam | May G-d avenge their blood |
Hashem yikom damam Hy”d | May G-d avenge their blood |
hashgachah | Supervision |
hashgachah pratis | Divine Providence |
hashkafah | Outlook, perspective |
hashpa’ah | Influence |
haskalah | Enlightenment movement |
Haskamah | approbation, consent |
haskamah | Approbation |
hasmadah | Diligence in studying |
hataras nedarim | Nullifying a vow |
Hatzalah | 1. Cry to be rescued 2. Jewish ambulance service |
hatzlachah | Success |
havdalah | Service at conclusion of Shabbos and Yom Tov, lit. separation |
havtachah | Assurance |
Hayom Yom | An encyclopedia of daily Torah insights authored by the Rebbe |
hechsher | Sign of kashrus certification |
hefkeirus | Free for all, state of having too much freedom, and being out of control |
heichal | Inner chamber |
heilik/heilike | Holy |
heimishe | As in your own home |
heter | Permissible ruling |
hiddur | Beautification |
Higia zman geulaschem | The time of your redemption has arrived. |
Hilchos… | Laws of… |
hilulah | Yahrzeit of a tzaddik |
himmel | Heaven |
Hisbonenus | contemplation, meditation |
hisgalus Moshiach | Revelation of Messiah |
hishtatchus | Visiting grave of righteous person |
hiskarvus | Causing closeness |
hiskashrus | Connection between Rebbe and chossid |
hisnagdus | opposition |
hisorerus | Awakening, arousal |
histalkus | Passing away, elevation |
hitvaadut/hisvaadus | Hebrew for farbrengen. Gathering of chassidim where honest discussion, Torah learning and singing of niggunim take place |
Hk”m | Said in first year after passing of parent or Rebbe, acronym for Hareini Kaporas Mishkovo, meaning, “May any suffering due to him fall on me” |
hodaah | Thanks, praise |
horaah | A directive |
horaas shaah | A directive for that time only |
Hoshanah Rabbah | Last intermediate day of the Sukkos holiday |
hy”d | Acronym for Hashem yikom damo/damam, May Hashem avenge their blood |
I |
↑TOP |
Igeres Hakodesh | Holy letter of the Rebbe |
Igros | Letters |
ikar | Primary or more important |
im yirtzeh Hashem (iy”H) | G-d willing |
Imahos | Matriarchs: Sarah, Rivkah, Rochel and Leah |
Imeinu | Our mother |
inyan nifla | Wondrous idea |
inyan/inyanim | Idea(s) or subject(s) |
Ir Hakodesh | Holy city |
issur (chamur) | (Strict) prohibition |
Ivrit | Modern Hebrew |
iy”H | Acronym for im yirtzeh Hashem. G-d willing |
K |
↑TOP |
k’dai | Appropriate or worthwhile |
K’heref ayin | In the blink of an eye |
k’zayis | The size of an olive, a halachic measurement |
ka”h | Acronym for kein ayin hara – May the evil eye do no harm |
Kabbalah | Mystical teaching |
kabbalas malchus | Acceptance of royalty |
kabbalas ol | Acceptance of yoke of Torah |
kabbalas pnei Moshiach | Greeting Moshiach |
Kabbalas Shabbos | Friday night davening, lit. receiving Shabbos |
Kabballah (for shechitah) | apprenticeship at a certified shochet before becoming certified |
Kaddish | Prayer said for the deceased |
kadosh | Holy |
kal v’chomer | How much more so |
kallah | Bride |
kaparah | Trade-off with G-d, when, for example, we are grateful for only breaking a leg because at least we survived the fire, lit. forgiveness |
kapitel/kapitlach | Chapter(s) usually of Psalms |
kapota | A Prince Albert coat worn by married Lubavitcher men |
kashrus | Keeping kosher |
kavanah | 1. Concentration 2. Motive |
kavod | Honor, respect |
ke’arah | Platter, Seder plate |
kedushah | Holiness |
kedushas | Holiness of… |
kehillah | Community |
kehunah | The priesthood |
keili/keilim | Vessel(s) |
kein ayin hara | May the evil eye do no harm |
kein yirbu | So shall they multiply |
Keren Ten Yad | Charity to help cover wedding expenses |
keruvim | Cherubs |
kesser | Crown |
kesubah | Wedding contract |
kesuvos | Writings |
Kevayachol | so to speak |
Kever Rochel | Grave site of Rochel |
kever/kevarim | Grave(s) |
kevurah | Burial |
kevutzos | Groups |
Kfar Chabad | A village in Israel where many Lubavitchers reside, established by the Frierdiker Rebbe in1949 |
kibud av va’em | Honoring one’s parents |
Kibud horim umorim | honoring parents and teachers |
kiddush | Blessing recited over a goblet of wine expressing the sanctity of Shabbos or a Festival |
kiddush Hashem | An act which sanctifies the name of G-d |
kinderlach | (Beloved) children |
kinus | Gathering, convention |
Kinus HaShluchim/HaShluchos | Gathering of the emissaries (female) |
kippah | Skullcap |
kiruv | Drawing close |
kisei shel Eliyahu | Throne of Elijah the Prophet |
kisui harosh | Mitzvah of covering the head of married women |
kittel | White garb worn on Yom Kippur by married men |
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch | Code of Jewish Law |
kivush ha’olam al yedei shluchei Adoneinu | Conquering the world through the Rebbe’s emissaries |
kiyor | Wash basin used by the kohanim before service in the Beis Hamikdosh |
Klal Yisroel | Jewish nation |
Kli Yakar | Rabbeinu Shlomo Efraim, 16th century classic commentary on Torah |
klipah | Bark or shell, symbol of evil |
Knesses Yisroel | Congregation of Israel |
koach/kochos | Strength(s) |
kochi v’otzem yodi | My strength and my mighty arm |
kodesh | Holy |
Kodesh Hakadashim | Holy of Holies |
kohanim | Jewish Priest(s) |
Koheles | Ecclesiastes |
kohen gadol | High Priest |
Kol Chamira | Prayer disavowing all ownership to any chametz in our possession |
kol hakavod | Expression of Bravo! Well done! Lit. all honor (to you) |
Kol kvudah bas melech pnima | The glory of the king’s daughter is within |
Kol NIdrei | First prayer of Yom Kippur in which we nullify our vows |
kollel | Place where young married men learn Torah all day |
Korach | First cousin of Moshe, rebelled against him in desert and met a horrible death |
korbanos | Sacrifices |
kores | Punishment of being cut off from the Jewish people |
kos shel brachah | Cup of blessing (from which the Rebbe pours wine for everyone who asks) |
Kosel/Kotel Hamaaravi | Wailing/Western Wall – last remnant of Holy Temple in Jerusalem |
kriah | 1.Reading 2. Tearing |
krias haTorah | Public reading from the Torah |
Krias Shema | Recitation of Shema |
krias Yam Suf | Splitting of the Red Sea |
Krovim | relatives |
kuchen | Cooking |
kugel | Sweet or savory pudding, usually made of potatoes or noodles and served on Shabbos |
kumzitz | An informal get together for honest discussion and singing |
kuntres/kuntreisim | Pamphlet(s) |
Kuntz | trick |
kvatter/kvatterin | Those honored with handing the baby at the bris (male/female) |
kvell | Derive pleasure and pride |
Kvetching | moaning/complaining |
Kvitlach | notes to the Rebbe |
kvittel | Short note requesting blessing or guidance from the Rebbe, also called pidyon or pidyon nefesh |
kvius | Regular appointment |
Kvod Harav | With the permission of the Rav (an expression of honor, used before speaking in front of a Rav) |
kvutzah | Group (usually of students) |
L |
↑TOP |
l’chaim | 1. Alcoholic beverage, lit. to life 2. Engagement party |
l’havdil | To separate |
l’iIuy nishmas/nishmasah | For the elevation of his (her) soul |
l’matah mei’asarah tfachim | In a tangible, visible, down-to-earth way |
l’olam Hashem devarcha nitzav bashamayim | Forever G-d, your word stands firm in the heavens |
l’olam va’ed | Forever after |
l’sheim Shamayim | For the sake of Heaven |
l’vonai Ani tzorich | Now I need my children |
Lag Ba’omer | 33rd day of Sefiras Ha’omer (49 days between Pesach and Shavuos). |
lamdan/lamdanim | Scholar(s) |
lamdus | Scholarship |
lashon hakodesh | Hebrew, lit. holy tongue |
lashon hara | Speaking badly of others |
Lebedig un freilich | lively and joyous |
lebedikeit | Liveliness, enthusiasm |
Lechah Dodi | Portion of Friday night prayer. Lit. To you my beloved |
Lechatchilah | Ideally |
lechatchilah ariber | Transcending the limitations |
lechem | Bread |
lechem mishneh | Double loaves required for every Shabbos and Yom Tov meal |
leichter | Candlesticks |
lein/leining | Read in public from the Torah |
lekach | Honey cake |
levayah | Funeral |
Levi/Leviim | Levite(s) |
levush/levushim | garment(s) |
licht | Candles |
licht bentchen | Candle lighting |
lichtikeit | Light |
Likutei Sichos | Collection of Sichos – see Sichah |
limudei chol | Secular studies |
limudei kodesh | Studies that are part of Torah, non-secular |
lishma | For the sake of a mitzvah |
Litvish | Originating in Lithuania |
lo aleinu | May we be protected from it |
lo sa’aseh | Prohibition commanded by G-d |
lo zocheh | Not merited |
Lubavitch | 1. Small town in Russia from which emerged the Lubavitcher movement, lit. city of love 2. The Chabad movement |
Lubavitchers | Followers of the Lubavitcher Rebbe |
luchos | Tablets on which were engraved the Ten Commandments |
lulav | Palm branch used on Sukkos |
M |
↑TOP |
ma’os chittim | Funds for Passover needs |
maalah | A positive attribute or advantage (pl) |
maamar/maamarim | Chasidic discourse(s) |
maamoros (Ten) | utterances |
maariv | Evening prayer |
maaseh | 1. Deed 2. Story |
maaser | Mitzvah to tithe 1/10 of one’s earnings |
maasim tovim | Good deeds |
mach freilach | Make (others) happy |
machlokes | Contention, discord, argument |
machnis orach/orchim | Host of guest(s) |
Machon Chana | School for Jewish women with limited Jewish background in Crown Heights, NY |
machshavos tovos | Positive thoughts |
machshir | To make kosher |
machzor | Prayerbook for High Holidays |
madreigah | Level, or step |
madrich/madrichim | Male leader, counselor (plural) |
madrichah/madrichos | Female leader, counselor (plural) |
maftir | One who reads aloud in Shul a portion of Prophets on Shabbos,Yom Tov, and certain fast days. |
magen Dovid | Star of David |
maggid | Preacher |
Mah Nishtanah | The 4 Questions asked at the Pesach Seder, lit. “Why is this night different…?” |
Maharash | Rabbi Shmuel Schneerson, fourth Chabad Rebbe (1834-1882) |
maidele | Little girl |
Makkah | plague |
makom Torah u’tefillah | A place of Torah and prayer |
makom Torah u’tefillah | Place of Torah and prayer |
makor | Source |
makor hachaim | Source of life |
makpid | Strict, particular |
malach/malachim | Angel(s) |
malchus | Royalty |
mamash | Actually |
mamzer | Bastard |
Maos Chittim | Money given to help the needy afford Pesach needs |
mara d’asra | Rabbinic authority of a community |
marbitz Torah | Disseminate Torah |
maror | Bitter herbs eaten at Pesach Seder |
Masechta | tractate (of mishna or gemara) |
mashal | Example, parable, analogy |
mashgiach/mashgichim | Supervisor(s) |
mashkeh | Alcoholic beverages |
mashpia/mashpiim | People who teach others Chassidus and offers guidance |
maskilim | Followers of the so-called enlightenment movement |
masmid | Diligent student |
matanah | Gift |
mattan Torah | Giving of the Torah |
matzah | Unleavened bread |
matzav | Situation |
matzeivah/matzeivos | Tombstone(s), monument(s) |
mazel tov | Congratulations, good luck |
mazeldik | Fortunate |
mazkirus | Secretary/ secretariat |
Me’oras Hamachpelah | Cave where Patriarchs and Matriarchs are buried |
mechalel Shabbos | One who desecrates the Sabbath |
mechanech/mechaneches/mechanchim/mechanchos | To educate; an educator (male/female/male plural/female plural) |
mechilah | Forgivness |
mechitzah | Partition |
mechuyav | Obligated |
Medrash Rabbah | One of the best known books of homiletic interpretations of the Torah |
medrash/medrashim | Stories on the Torah which are only implied in the text |
meforshim | Commentaries |
megillah | Parchment scroll, most commonly referring to the scroll of Esther read on Purim |
mehader | Adheres scrupulously |
Meilitz/melitzas yosher | Advocate m/f |
meis | Dead body |
Meis Mitzvah | The mitzvah of arranging for the burial of those who have died with no family to take care of the burial |
mekabel | Recipient |
mekabel pnei Moshiach | Welcome and greet Moshiach |
mekarev | To bring someone closer |
mekatreg | Prosecutor |
mekayem | Fulfilled |
mekor hachaim | Source of life |
mekubal | Mystic |
mekuravim | Those who came closer |
mekushar | Connected |
melachah | Activity forbidden on Shabbos |
melamed zchus | Positive opinion, or judgment |
melamed/melamdim | Torah teacher of young boys |
melaveh malkah | Meal eaten as the Shabbos Queen departs |
melech | King |
Melech basadeh | the king is in the field |
melech haMoshiach | King Messiah |
memaleh makom | Successor |
menachem | To comfort |
menachem avel | To pay a condolence call |
menahel | Administrator or principal |
menorah | Candelabra |
mentsch/mentschen | 1. People 2. Decent, upstanding person (people) |
Mentschlich | Decent, proper |
menuchah | Peace |
menuchas hanefesh | Peace of mind |
merachek | To cause distance |
meraglim | Spies |
Merkos shlichus | Vacation time visits by students of Lubavitcher Yeshivos to strengthen Judaism in faraway places |
mesader kiddushin | One who officiates at a marital ceremony |
Mesame’ach | To bring happiness |
Meshares | Servant |
meshulach | Charity collector, lit. messenger or representative |
mesirus nefesh | Self-sacrifice |
Mesivta | Yeshiva High School |
mesorah | Torah, as our inheritance, also our tradition |
mesudar | An organized person |
Metzudos | A commentary on Torah written by Rabbi David Altshuler |
meya’eish | Despair |
Mezonos | Baked goods other than bread which have the blessing borei minei mezonos, usually cake or cookies |
Mezritcher Maggid | Disciple of Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov, founder of Chassidism |
mezuman | 1. Three men to say Grace After Meals 2. Cash |
mezuzah/mezuzos | Handwritten scroll(s) with Shema Yisroel in it, hung on doorposts for protection |
MH”M | Melech Hamoshiach, King Messiah |
mid’Oraysa | From the Torah |
mid’Rabbanan | From the sages, from the Oral Torah |
midah | Attribute |
midbar | Desert |
midos | Attributes |
midos tovos | Good attributes, positive ways to act, think, and speak |
Mihu Yehudi | Who is a Jew? Controversy over non-Orthodox conversions |
Mikdash | 1. Holy Temple 2. Sanctuary |
Mikdash Me’at | Miniature sanctuary – could refer to either home or Shul |
mikvah/mikvaos | Ritual bath(s) which provides spiritual purification |
Milchig | Dairy |
Minashim b’ohel tivorach | (Shiras Dvorah, Shoftim 5:25) She is blessed by women in the tent |
minchah | Afternoon prayer |
minhag | Custom |
minyan | Group of 10 men necessary for certain prayers |
Miriam Haneviah | Miriam the prophetess, sister of Moses |
mishale’ach | Sender |
mishkan | Tabernacle, or portable sanctuary used in desert for 480 years |
Mishlei | Book of Proverbs written by King Shlomo |
mishloach manos | Food gifts between Jews on Purim |
Mishnah | Recorded oral law of Torah |
Mishnayos | 6 tractates of oral law (Talmud) |
mishpachah | Family |
misnagdim | Opponents of chassidim |
mispallelim | People praying |
Mitteler Rebbe | Rabbi Dovber Schneuri, second Lubavitcher Rebbe, and first to establish court in the city of Lubavitch (1773-1827) |
Mitzrayim | Egypt |
mitzvah tank | An RV used by Chabad chasidim to do mivtza’im |
mitzvah/mitzvos | Good deed(s), commandment(s) |
mivtza/mivtza’im | Public campaign(s) of the Rebbe (examples: Shabbos candle lighting, love of a fellow Jew, filling one’s home with Jewish books, etc) |
Mivtzah | commandment; good deed |
mizbayach | Altar |
Moach shalit al halev | The mind controls the heart |
mochel | Forgive |
Modeh Ani | A prayer said immediately upon awakening in the morning which offers thanks to G-d for “mercifully returning my soul within me” each day |
mofsim | Miracles |
mohel | One who performs circumcisions |
Morah | Teacher (female) |
Moreinu v’Rabbeinu | Our teacher and rabbi |
mosad | Organization(s) |
mosdos | Institutions |
Moshe Rabbeinu | Moses, our teacher and leader |
Moshiach | The anointed one, Messiah |
Motzoei Shabbos | Saturday night, after Sabbath ends |
muktzeh | Forbidden to touch or use on Shabbos |
Mussaf | Additional Shabbos prayer |
mussar | Criticism, harsh words designed to help listeners/readers repent and mend their ways |
N |
↑TOP |
N’shei Chabad | Women in Chabad-Lubavitch movement |
naaseh v’nishma | We will do and we will hear |
Nach | Acronym for Neviim (Prophets), Kesuvim (Writings) |
nachas/nachat | Mixture of pleasure and pride |
nashim tzidkanios | Righteous women |
nasi | Prince(s), president(s), Rebbe(s) |
nasi hador | Leader of the generation |
navi/neviim | Prophet(s) |
Ne’ilah | Concluding prayer on Yom Kippur |
nebach | A pity |
nechamah | Comfort |
neder | Vow |
nefesh | Soul |
nefesh Elokis | G-dly soul as opposed to animal soul |
nefesh habehamis | Animal soul as opposed to G-dly soul |
negel vasser | Ritual washing of hands for spiritual purification, lit. nail water |
Neginah | music, singing |
neiros leho’ir | Candles to light other candles – lamplighters |
neiros shabbos | Shabbos candles, lit to usher in the Shabbos |
nekudos | Hebrew vowel sounds, lit. dots |
neshamah/neshamos | Jewish soul(s) |
neshamalach | Plural diminutive of neshamah |
neshek | Acronym for Neiros Shabbos Kodesh: holy Shabbos candles, lit. ammunition |
nesius | Reign |
netilas yadayim | Ritual handwashing |
neviah | Prophetess |
nevuah | Prophecy |
nichum aveilim | Visit by friends and family to house of mourning during week of Shiva, lit. comforting of mourners |
Niflaos haBorei | Wonders of the Creator |
niftar | Passed away, or one who passed away |
niggun/niggunim | Jewish melody (plural) |
nigleh | Revealed parts of Torah as opposed to esoteric parts of Torah |
Nigunim | (Chassidic) songs, often melodies without words |
nimshal | Meaning of parable |
nirtzach | Murder victim |
nisayon | Challenge(s), test(s) |
nishmas | Prayer said on Shabbos morning, lit.” the soul of…” |
nishmaso Eden | His soul is in Gan Eden |
Nissan | Seventh Jewish month in which Pesach falls out, also a boy’s name |
nissim | Miracles |
Nistalek | Passed away or hidden |
Nitzachon | Victory |
O |
↑TOP |
o.b.m. | Of blessed memory |
Ohel | Resting place of a holy person, lit. tent |
Ohev Yisroel | One who loves a fellow Jew |
Oholei Menachem | Boys’ school in Crown Heights |
Ohr Hachaim | Commentary on Torah by Rabbi Chaim ben Atar |
oif lange yoren | May he/she/they live long, lit. of long years |
Oifen Pripitchuk | Yiddish lullaby |
Olam Ha’Emes | The world of truth |
Olam Haba | The world to come |
Olam hatikun | World in a state of repair (one stage of Creation, according to Kabbalah) |
Olam hatohu | World in a state of chaos (one stage of Creation, according to Kabbalah) |
Olam Hazeh | The present world |
Olei regel | Those who went up to Yerushalayim three times a year for the festivals |
On ben Peles | Leading member of Korach’s neighboring tribe of Reuven |
Oneg Shabbos | Pleasure or joy of Shabbos |
opsherenish | Boy’s first haircut at age 3 |
orchim | Guests |
ot ot kumt Moshiach | Any second now Moshiach is coming |
Oved (in learning or davening) | one who works |
Oy vey | Woe is me! |
P |
↑TOP |
padah b’shalom nafshi | “My soul has been redeemed in peace” (Psalms 55:14) |
pahn | Acronym for pidyon nefesh, soul-deep accounting to Rebbe |
Pakod pakadeti | remember, I remembered |
parah adumah | The red heifer |
pareve | Neutral, neither milk nor meat |
parnassah | Livelihood |
paroches | Curtain for the aron kodesh (Holy Ark) |
parshah | Torah portion |
pas Yisroel | Bread or other baked goods baked by a Jew |
pasken | To make a halachic ruling |
passuk/psukim | Sentence(s) or verse(s) |
passul | Not halachically acceptable |
pegishah | Meeting, encounter |
peirush/peirushim | Explanation(s) |
peklach | Packages or burdens |
perek | Chapter |
Pesach | Passover |
Pesach seder | Ritual observance at festive meals first 2 nights of Pesach, lit. order |
petirah | Passing |
petzu’im | Wounded |
peulos | Positive accomplishments |
peyos | Earlocks |
pidyon | Request of a Rebbe made in writing |
pidyon haben | Redemption of the firstborn son |
pidyon shevuyim | Redemption of captives |
pikuach nefesh | A matter of life or death |
pilpul/pilpulim | Torah dissertation(s) |
pintele Yid | The G-dfearing and G-d-loving essence within every Jewish soul |
Pirkei Avos | Ethics of the Fathers |
pisgam | Saying |
pnimiusdik | Inner, essential |
poretz | Non-Jewish landowner |
Poretz geder | breaks all boundaries |
poskim | Law codifiers (examples: Alter Rebbe, Reb Yosef Caro, Rosh, Rambam) |
pritzus | Frivolity |
prost | Unrefined |
pru u’vu | Be fruitful and multiply |
psak | Rabbinic ruling |
pshat | Simple explanation |
psukei d’zimrah | Verses of praise |
Purim | Holiday which takes place on the 14th of Adar, commemorating G-d’s miracles done for Jews in the year 3404 |
pushke/pushkes | Charity box(es) |
R |
↑TOP |
R”l | Acronym for Rachmana litzlan, May they be granted mercy |
ra’ah | Bad |
Rabban | Rabbi |
Rabbanim | Rabbis |
Rabbeinu Hakadosh | Our holy Rabbi, referring to R’ Yehuda Hanasi |
Rabbeinu Tam’s tefillin | Second pair of Tefillin, according to Rabbeinu Tam, in addition to tefillin according to Rashi |
Rabbi Shneur Zalman | First Chabad Rebbe, Alter Rebbe or Baal Hatanya (1745-1812) |
Rachmana litzlan | May Hashem save us (from such an occurrence) |
rachmanus | Pity |
Ramash (Rebbe) | Initials of Reb Mendel Schneerson |
Rambam | Maimonides, Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon |
Ramban | Nachmanides, Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, a famous Torah commentator |
rasha | Wicked one |
Rashab | Rabbi Sholom DovBer Schneerson, fifth Chabad Rebbe (1860-1920) |
Rashi | Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, foremost Biblical and Talmudic commentator |
ratzon | Will |
Rav | Rabbi who decides halachah |
Rayatz | Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, sixth Chabad Rebbe aka Frierdiker Rebbe (1880-1950) |
Rebbe/Rebbeim | Chassidic leader(s) or yeshiva teacher(s) |
Rebbetzin | Rabbi’s wife |
Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka | Wife of the Rebbe and daughter of Frierdiker Rebbe |
rebbi (teacher) | Yeshiva teacher |
Rechush gadol | with great wealth |
redt | Talk |
refuah shleimah | Complete recovery |
Refuah/os | cure(s) |
remez | Hint |
Reshimos | Writings of Rebbeim |
Reshus harabim | Public domain |
reviyis | About 3.3 ounces, a halachic quantity |
Ribono Shel Olam | Master of the Universe (G-d) |
Rishonim | Early Rabbinic authorities |
rofeh yedid | Doctor who is also a dear friend |
Rosh Chodesh | First day of new Jewish month, lit. head of the month |
Rosh Chodesh Kislev | First day of the month of Kislev, day we celebrate the Rebbe’s recovery from heart attack in 1977 |
Rosh Hashanah | Jewish New Year |
Roshei | Heads of… |
roshei teivos | Initials |
Roshei Yeshivos | Heads of Jewish schools |
Rov | Rabbi and leader of a community who decides law (??) |
ruach | Spirit, lit. wind |
ruach hakodesh | Divine spirit, prophecy |
ruach shtus | (Sin brought on by) foolish inclination |
ruchnius | Spirituality |
S |
↑TOP |
S’iz mekushar tzum Rebb’n | It is connected to the Rebbe |
sakanas nefashos | Endangering of life |
same’ach b’chelko | Happy with his/her lot |
sandek | Man honored with holding baby during circumcision |
Sanhedrin | Jewish court of law in times of Beis Hamikdash |
Sar (of Mitzraim) | officer |
Savta | Grandmother |
schach | Branches that cover sukkah |
schar limud | Yeshiva tuition |
schmaltz | Animal fat (used in cooking) |
Sdom | Wicked city in times of Avraham |
seder/sedarim | Ritual observance at festive meal(s), first 2 nights of Pesach, lit. order |
Sefer Haminhagim | Book of customs |
Sefer Hamitzvos | The Rambam’s order of mitzvos |
Sefer Torah | Torah scroll |
Sefer Yetzirah | Kabbalistic work written by Avraham our father |
sefer/sefarim | Holy book(s) |
Sefira/Sefiras Ha’omer | The counting of the Omer, formal counting of the 49 days from Passover to Shavuos |
sefiros | Divine attributes, emanations or manifestations numbering ten |
segulah/segulos | Something you do to increase the likelihood of good things happening |
seichel | (Common) sense |
seudah | Meal, feast |
seudas hoda’ah | A festive meal where one offers thanks to G-d after experiencing a personal salvation |
Seudas Shabbos | Shabbos meal which begins with kiddush |
seudaso d’Dovid Malka Meshicha | Feast of King Moshiach (see melaveh malkah) |
Seven Noahide Laws | Laws given to Noach, binding upon all people, Jews and non Jews alike (adultery, idolatry, murder, eating limb from live animals, blasphemy, stealing, appointing courts of justice) |
Sforno – Rabbeinu Ovadiah Sforno | Italian commentator on the Torah and doctor |
Shabbat Shalom | Have a good Shabbos |
sh’eilah | Question |
Shaar blatt | Title page |
Shabbaton | A Shabbos dedicated to the spiritual growth of participants |
Shabbos/Shabbat | Sabbath, seventh day, on Saturday |
Shabbos Bereishis | The 1st Shabbos after Simchas Torah when we begin reading the Torah portion of Bereishis once again |
Shabbos Mevorchim | Shabbos before Rosh Chodesh when the new month is blessed |
shacharis | Morning prayer |
shadchan/shadchanim | Matchmaker(s) |
shagur b’fiv | frequently mentioned |
shalach manos | colloq. for mishloach manos, food gifts passed between Jews on Purim |
shalom aleichem | Greeting, lit: Peace unto you |
shalom bayis | Marital peace and harmony |
shalom bein ish l’ishto | Peace between man and wife |
shalom zachar | Friday evening party welcoming newborn male |
shalosh seudos | Third meal of Shabbos |
shamash | One who serves others |
Shamayim | Sky, heavens, or G-d |
Shammes | Caretaker of the synagogue |
Shana Tovah | Good year |
shanda | Shame |
shatnez | Mixture of wool and linen forbidden by the Torah to wear |
Shavuos | Holiday of Pentecost commemorating the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai |
Shechinah | Divine Presence |
shechitah | Ritual slaughter |
shechunah | Neighborhood |
shehechiyanu | Blessing made on holidays and on certain new things thanking G-d for keeping us alive to experience this time (??) |
Sheine kop | Beautiful child, lit. nice head |
sheitel | Wig |
Sheitel macher | wig stylist |
shekalim | Israeli currency, also used in Biblical times |
shekiah | sunset |
Shema Yisroel | Hear O Israel, The L-d is our G-d, The L-d is One! |
Shemitah | seventh year sabbatical |
shep nachas | To derive nachas, to feel pleasure and pride at some accomplishment or gift |
sheva brachos | Festivities which take place for seven days following a Jewish wedding; also the blessings said at the wedding |
shevet | Tribe |
sheyichyeh | He/she/they should live |
shidduch/shidduchim | Proposed marital match |
Shir Hashirim | Song of Songs authored by King Solomon |
shiur/shiurim | Study periods, lectures, lessons, or prescribed amounts |
shivah | 7-day period of intense mourning following death of immediate relative |
shkiah | Sundown |
shleimus ha’aretz | Eretz Yisroel in its entirety, keeping it whole |
shlemiel | Clumsy or foolish person |
shlep | Drag |
shliach mitzvah gelt | Money given to a traveler to give to charity upon arrival at destination |
Shliach/shlucha/shluchim/shluchos | 1. Messenger 2. Emissary of the Rebbe male/female/male plural/female plural |
shlichus | Mission |
shlishi | Third |
shlita | May he live a good, long life |
Shlomo HaMelech | King Solomon |
shloshim | 30-day mourning period |
shmad/shmad zich | Convert out of Judaism, G-d forbid |
shmatta/shmattes | Rag |
Shmini Atzeres | 8th day of holiday of Sukkos, and a holiday in its own right |
Shmirah | Patrol, watchmen |
shmiras haguf | Keeping one‘s body in good health |
Shmiras halashon | Being careful not to speak badly of others, lit. guarding the tongue |
shmiras Shabbos | Guarding Shabbos |
Shmitah | Sabbatical year |
Shmoneh Esrei | Silent prayer recited thrice daily |
Shmuel Alef | Third book of early prophets, written by the Prophet Shmuel |
shmuess | Talk (noun) |
shmurah matzah | Matzah baked from wheat which was guarded from time of harvest |
shmutz | Dirt |
shnas hageulah | Year of redemption |
shnas hakhel | Every seventh year, when all would assemble to hear the King read Torah |
shochet/shochtim | Ritual slaughterer(s) |
shofar | Ram’s horn |
shomer mitzvos | One who is observant of the Torah and its laws |
Shomer negiah | One who is careful with the laws of not touching unrelated members of the opposite sex |
shomer Shabbos | One who observes the Sabbath |
shomer Torah | Observant, lit. one who keeps Torah |
shtender | Podium |
shtetl | Village |
shtick | Games |
shtiebl/shtieblach | Little neighborhood shul(s) |
shtreimel | Fur hat traditionally worn by certain sects of Chassidim (not Lubavitch) |
shturem | Fuss or noise Lit. storm |
shul | Synagogue |
Shulchan Aruch | Code of Jewish law |
Shushan Purim | Day after Purim |
Shvat | Fifth Jewish month |
shver | Father-in-law |
Shvigger | Mother-in-law |
Shvii shel Pesach | The seventh day of Pesach |
sichah/sichos | Address(es) delivered by Rebbe, lit. conversational segment(s) |
Sichos Kodesh | Holy sichos – see sichah |
siddur/siddurim | Prayer book(s) |
Sifrei | Books of |
sifrei kodesh | Holy books |
Sifrei Torah | Torah scrolls |
siman | Sign/clue, a chapter in Shulchan Aruch (Code of Jewish Law) |
simchah | Joyous event(s), or a state of joy |
simchah poretz geder | Joy breaks all boundaries |
simchas beis hashoevah | Dancing and celebration each night of Sukkos, commemorating the celebration that took place in the Beis Hamikdosh |
Simchas hachayim | joie de vivre |
Simchas Torah | Festival of rejoicing with the Torah, which occurs at the end of Sukkos |
sinas chinam | Hatred without provocation |
sirtuk | Prince Albert black coat worn by Lubav. men on Shabbos |
Sitra achara | The other side, referring to the side of evil |
Sivan | Ninth Jewish month |
siyata d’Shmaya | Heavenly help |
siyum | Conclusion, or party marking a conclusion |
smichah | Rabbinical ordination |
Sochnut | agency |
sod | Secret |
sofer/sofrim | Scribe(s) |
Sugya | Chapter in Talmud |
Sukkah | Hut with a roof made of leaves or branches used for the holiday of Sukkos |
Sukkos | Holiday in Tishrei during which we commemorate clouds of glory which protected Jews for 40 years in desert |
svivah | Environment |
T |
↑TOP |
taam | Taste or reason |
Taamei Haminhagim | Jewish textbook showing sources for customs |
taanis bechorim | Fast of firstborn son, commemorated on the day preceding Pesach |
Taanis Esther | Fast of Esther, commemorated on the day preceding Purim |
taavah | Desire or craving |
taavah/taavos | Craving(s) |
tachlis | Purpose |
tachnun | Confession, part of daily (except Shabbos) prayer where sins are recounted in detail, not said on happy occasions |
tafel | Secondary or less important |
tafkid | Task, mandate |
tahaluchah | A march to other neighborhoods to spread Chassidus and the joy of Yom Tov |
taharah | Ritual cleansing performed on dead body, lit. purity |
taharas hamishpachah | Laws of family purity |
takanos | Timely instructions from Rabbanim |
tallis | Prayer shawl |
talmid chacham/talmidei chachamim | Scholar(s) of Jewish studies |
talmid/talmidim | Male student(s) |
talmidah/talmidos | Female student(s) |
Talmud | Compendium of Jewish Law |
Talmud Torah | Learning Torah, also Hebrew school |
Tammuz | Tenth Jewish month |
Tanach | Acronym for Torah, N’viim, Kesuvim (written Torah) |
Tanna’im | Authors of Mishna |
Tanya | Magnum opus of the Alter Rebbe |
Tanya b’al peh | Tanya (a written work of the Alter Rebbe) by heart |
taryag mitzvos | 613 Commandments |
tashlich | Prayer and rite performed on Rosh Hashanah, on which one symbolically casts away sins in a body of water |
tatte | Father |
Tatte, Ich vel ba dir… | Father, I want to ask you four questions (asked by children at the Seder) |
Tatty | Daddy |
tbl”ch | May she be separated for life (from one who died) |
tchup | overgrown haircut |
techias hemeisim | Resurrection of the dead |
techum | Distance one may walk on Shabbos |
tefillah/tefillos | Prayer(s) |
tefillas haderech | Prayer said when traveling outside one’s city requesting safe journey and peaceful return |
tefillin | Phylacteries |
Tehillim | Psalms |
teikef umiyad mamash | Immediately! |
teitsch | Translation |
teivah | 1. Ark 2. Word |
tekias shofar | The blowing of the ram’s horn |
Terumah, terumah | 1. name of parshah 2. portion belonging to kohen |
teshuvah | Return to G-d |
teshuvos | Answers |
teva | Nature |
tevilah | Immersion |
tfachim | Handsbreadths |
tichel | Kerchief, usually worn to cover hair of married women |
tikun chatzos | Midnight prayers mourning destruction of Holy Temple |
tikun olam | Improvement or correction of the world |
tinok shenishbah | One who was never taught and is therefore not responsible, lit. a child who was taken captive |
tinokos shel beis Rabban | Schoolchildren |
Tishah b’Av | Ninth day in Hebrew month of Av commemorating the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem |
Tishrei | First month of the year in which Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkos take place |
tizku l’mitzvos | May you merit to fulfill more mitzvos (said to one who performs a mitzvah for you) |
tochachah | Rebuke |
toiveling | To immerse |
Torah leining | Torah reading or chanting |
Torah sheb’al peh | Oral translation of Torah |
Torah shebichsav | Written Torah |
Toras chaim | Living Torah |
Toras Emes | The Torah of Truth |
Tosafos | Commentary on Gemara |
tov | Good |
tracht gut vet zein gut | Think good (thoughts), it will be good |
treif | Not kosher |
trop | Musical notes for reading Torah |
Tu b’Shvat | New Year for Trees, 15th day of the month of Shvat |
tumah | Impurity |
tyere | Dear |
tzaar | Sorrow, pain |
Tzach (Tzeirei Agudas Chabad) | Lubavitch Youth Organization, established by the Rebbe in early 1950’s, with international branches |
tzadekes | Righteous woman |
tzadik/tzadikim | Righteous man (men) |
tzaros | Pains, troubles |
tzedakah | Charity |
tzeischem l’shalom | Bidding of farewell (lit. go in peace) |
Tzemach Tzedek | Rabbi Menachem Mendel, third Chabad Rebbe (1789-1866) |
tzibur | Congregation |
Tzidkeinu | Our righeous |
tziduk hadin | Justice of the law |
tzimmer | Room |
Tzion | Zion, Jerusalem |
tzitzis | Fringes men are required to wear on four cornered garment |
tziun | grave |
Tzivos Hashem | Army of G-d, referring to Jewish children, also a Jewish children’s organization |
tznius/tzniusdik | Modesty in dress and behavior (noun/adj.) |
tzu lange yahren | Blessing for a long life |
U |
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ufaratzta | Lit: And you shall spread out |
Unterfirer | One who escorts bride or groom to chuppah |
upsherenish | Boy’s first haircut at age 3 |
Ushpizin | Guests in the sukkah visiting from the other World |
V |
↑TOP |
V’ahavta l’reiacha kamocha | Love your fellow as yourself |
V’al yivosh mipnei hamaligim | Don’t be embarrassed by those who scoff |
v’asu li mikdash | Make for me a temple and I will dwell in their midst |
v’heishiv lev avos al bonim | The children will cause the parents to return |
v’nizkeh | “May we merit to see ourselves with the Rebbe, down here, and he will redeem us”. The Rebbe said these words after the Frierdiker Rebbe’s histalkus |
vach nacht | Night before bris, when baby’s father learns all night |
varemkeit | Warm/warmth |
vehu yigaleinu | And he will redeem us |
Viduy | Confession, said before dying |
Vilde chayah | Wild animal |
vochedik | Pertaining to the weekday |
vort | 1. Torah thought 2. engagement party (lit. word) |
vos macht … | How is… |
vos shneller | The faster, the better |
Vov Tishrei | Sixth day of Tishrei, yahrtzeit of Rebbetzin Chana, the Rebbe’s mother |
Y | ↑TOP |
Yaakov | Jacob, our Patriarch |
yad soledes | Hot enough to blister baby’s skin |
yahrtzeit | Annual date of death |
Yaldei hashluchim | The children of shluchim |
Yalkut Shimoni | Anthology of homiletic interpretation of Torah compiled by Rabi Shimon |
Yam Suf | The Red Sea |
Yamim Nora’im | The High Holy Days (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur) |
Yamim Tovim | Jewish holidays |
yarmulke | Skullcap |
yasher koach | More power to you, an expression of thanks |
ybl”ch | Acronym for yibadel l’chaim, words to separate the name of a person who is alive from the name of one who is not alive |
Yechi adoneinu moreinu v’Rabbeinu melech ha’Moshiach l’olam vaed | Long live our master our teacher our Rebbe, the king Moshiach forever |
Yechidah | Highest part of the neshamah or soul |
yechidus | Private audience with Rebbe |
Yehoshua | Joshua, leader of Jews after Moshe |
Yehudah v’Shomron | Judea and Samaria |
yemach shemam (y”sh) | May their names be erased |
yemos haMoshiach | Days of Moshiach |
Yerushah | Inheritance |
Yerushalayim | Jerusalem |
Yerushalayim habnuyah | The rebuilt Jerusalem |
Yeshayahu | Isaiah the prophet |
yeshiva | Torah school |
yeshiva ketanah | Yeshiva high school |
Yeshivah gedolah | Rabbinical college |
yeshuah v’hatzalah | Salvation and relief |
yesod | Basis, foundation |
yetzer hara | Evil inclination |
yetzer tov | Good inclination |
yetzias haneshamah | The soul leaving the body, moment of death |
Yetzias Mitzrayim | Exodus from Egypt |
yichud | Laws pertaining to the seclusion of unrelated men and women |
yichus | Pedigree, of noble birth |
Yid/Yidden | Jew(s) |
Yiddish | 1. Jewish 2. the language called Yiddish |
Yiddishkeit | Judaism |
YidYid/Yidden | Jew/Jews |
yingel/yingele | Boy |
yiras Hashem | Fear of G-d |
yiras Shamayim | Fear of Heaven |
yirei Shamayim (plural) | Those who fear Heaven |
Yisbarach | Blessed |
yishuv | Settlement |
yishuv Eretz Yisroel | Settlement of the complete land of Israel |
Yitzchak Avinu | Isaac our forefather |
Yizkor | Prayer said to honor parents who have passed on |
yogati umatzasi | Work hard and you will find [success] |
yom huledes | Birthday |
Yom Kippur | Day of Atonement |
Yom Tov | Jewish holiday |
Yoma d’pagra | Special day |
Yosef Hatzaddik | Joseph the Righteous |
Yosher | Justice |
yotzei | Fulfilled one’s obligation |
yovel | Fiftieth year in the 50-year cycle of the Jewish calendar |
Yud Aleph Nissan | 11th day of Nissan, the Rebbe’s birthday |
Yud Beis Tammuz | The 12th day of the month of Tammuz. Birthday of the Frierdiker Rebbe and day of his release from prison. |
Yud Daled Kislev | 14th day of Kislev, wedding anniversary of the Rebbe and his wife Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka |
Yud Shvat | 10th day of Shvat, passing of Frierdiker Rebbe, day the seventh Rebbe became Rebbe |
Yud Tes Kislev | 19th day of the month of Kislev, the day the Alter Rebbe was freed from Russian prison |
yungeleit | Young married men |
yungermahn | Young married man |
Z |
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z”l | Zichrono livrachah. May his memory be a blessing |
Zaide | Grandfather |
zal | Study hall |
Zchus harabim | The merit of the many |
zchus, zchuyos, zchusim | Merit (n), plural of merit |
Zchuso yagen aleinu | May his merit protect us |
zehn zich mitn Rebben doh l’matah | We should see the Rebbe here, in this lower world |
Zemiros | Songs sung at a Shabbos meal |
zivug | Itended marriage partner |
zman | Time |
zmiros | Songs we sing at the Shabbos table |
zocheh | Merit (v) |
Zohar | Title of the classical text embodying the teachings of Jewish mysticism by Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai |
zol gezunt zein | Should be healthy |
Zos haTorah | This is the Torah, said when the Torah is lifted in Shul |
zrizim | People who are enthusiastic in pursuit of doing good |
zrizus | Alacrity |
zt”l | Zecher Tzadik L’vrachah, the memory of a righteous person [brings] a blessing |
GlossaryFaygie Shagalow2022-09-09T07:34:11-04:00